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"Oh, that's all right," replied Eugene cheerfully. "I'm glad to get that." It will be good for a change." Benedict gave him a friendly handshake in farewell. He was glad to have him, for he knew what he could do. "I don't think I can come before Monday. I have to give a few days' notice. Is that all right?" "I could use you earlier, but Monday will do," said Benedict, and they parted genially.

The sun was shining so brightly, so warmly and genially in the dark blue Egyptian sky, the air was so pure and light, the beetles were humming so merrily, the boatmen singing so lustily and happily, the shores of the Nile bloomed in such gay, variegated beauty, and were so thickly peopled, the palm-trees, sycamores, bananas and acacias were so luxuriant in foliage and blossom, and over the whole landscape the rarest and most glorious gifts seemed to have been poured out with such divine munificence, that a passer-by must have pronounced it the very home of joy and gladness, a place from which sadness and sorrow had been forever banished.

Here the skipper, who had been below for a few minutes, re-appeared on deck, and, seeing the stranger, advanced toward him, whereupon the first lieutenant introduced Senor Joaquin Miguel Lobo in proper form. "Glad to see you, senor," remarked the skipper genially. "Will you step below and take a glass of wine with Lieutenant Young and myself?"

"I'm sure of it, my dear," asserted the Scarecrow, still smiling genially. "Tell us how!" cried the Tin Woodman. "Not now," said the Scarecrow. "You may all go to bed, and I advise you to forget your worries just as completely as if you had drunk of the Water of Oblivion in the Forbidden Fountain.

"You won't need to prove that you're a doctor, sir," he said genially. "We have a lot to do with doctors. I could tell you were a doctor after talking a minute with you. You are all the same." "What do you mean?" "Well it's the things you say. Now only a doctor could have said what you did about life being a cell. Do you know, sir, I sometimes believe that doctors is more innocent than parsons.

"Nice way to talk of the groom," said the host genially. "I quite agree with you, however. I cannot understand the Grand Duke permitting it to go on unless, of course, it's too late to interfere." "Poor dear, she'll never know what it is to be loved and cherished," said the Marchioness dolefully. Lord and Lady Deppingham glanced at each other.

Watson, who will be one of your syndicate, and whom I once met abroad. But ye'll get a bit note of invitation, with the day, from me later." The consul remembered that Custer had said that one of the "Eagle boys" had known Sir James. This was evidently Watson. He smiled again, but this time Sir James responded only in a general sort of way, as he genially bowed himself out of the room.

Thackeray had come over from England to smile upon us genially, to lecture at the rate "of a pound a minute," as he had expressed it. Young America was putting old America behind her. Calhoun was gone. Clay, defeated in his life's ambition to be President, had crept to his grave. Webster was a dying man. The slavery question had vexed and shadowed his dying years.

The aspect of the dinner was changed, ameliorated; and with the reiterated statement that the evenings were drawing in though it was only July, conversation became almost general. In two minutes Mr. Mardon was genially talking across the whole length of the table. The meal finished in a state that resembled conviviality.

"I have had " he tells Sachs, when the latter genially asks is he feeling, after his good sleep, in good form and of good courage, "I have had a wonderfully beautiful dream...." "A good omen, that! Tell me your dream!" "I hardly dare to touch it with my thought, so do I fear to see it fade away."