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"I remember being present one evening," I observed, "at a dinner- party where an eminent judge met an equally eminent K. C.; whose client the judge that very afternoon had condemned to be hanged. 'It is always a satisfaction, remarked to him genially the judge, 'condemning any prisoner defended by you.

I rose before he reached the spot on which I had seated myself, and went my way into the town, went through my allotted round of professional visits; but my attentions were not so tenderly devoted, my kill so genially quickened by the glow of benevolence, as my poorer patients had found them in the morning. I have said how the physician should enter the sick-room. "A Calm Intelligence!"

For the next fortnight Lovell and Mrs. Stetson did so much travelling round together that Jonah said genially he might as well be a bachelor as far as meals and buttons went. They visited every house where a bit of Aunt Sally's belongings could be found.

The important sixth of October important to the Helstonleigh College boys did not rise very genially. On the contrary, it rose rather sloppily. A soaking rain was steadily descending, and the streets presented a continuous scene of puddles. The day was a holiday from school, but not from morning service. The college bell was beginning to ring out as they entered the schoolroom.

The red-haired person sat on the table with a cup of bouillon in one hand and a cracker in the other. "You know," he said genially, "it's awfully bully of you to come out and keep me company like this. I never put in such a day. I've given up fussing with the furnace and got out extra blankets instead. And I think by night our troubles will be over."

"He has probably come right from the studio, and he'll know about daddy. Russ! Russ!" she called, as she came nearer to the young man. He turned, and a welcoming smile lighted his face. "Oh, hello, Alice!" he greeted, genially. "Where's Ruth?" "Just for that I shan't tell you! Don't you want to walk with me?" she asked, archly. "Why must you always ask for Ruth when I meet you alone?" "I didn't!

Tredgold, in a low voice, to Miss Drewitt. "Well, it's done now," said the captain, genially. "You you're not going?" "Yes, I am," said Mr. Stobell. He bade them good-night, and then pausing at the door stood and surveyed them; even Mr. Tasker, who was gliding in unobtrusively with a jug of water, shared in his regards. "When I think of the orphans and widows," he said, bitterly, "I "

Chamilly continued to Chrysler: "I am not a little proud of the cheerfulness, the spirit, the respectability, the intelligence of my little people. "I have no doubt of it," remarked the visitor genially. "But I scarcely think you can be familiar with a group of startling projects lately cherished in our circles." "Plots against everybody," Quinet remarked.

When Miss Balfour said: "I think you know each other," the manager of the Consolidated bowed with stiff formality, but his rival laughed genially and said: "Oh, yes, I know Mr. Hobart." The geniality was genuine enough, but through it ran a note of contempt. Hobart read in it a veiled taunt.

Wales to pick out some books for him to give Nan, "Because you and Nan seem to be cut out of the same piece of cloth, you see," explained Mr. Wales genially, Roberta felt exactly like one of the family, and hoarded the days, and then the hours, that remained of this blissful vacation.