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He pointed to a bottle that stood on the supper-table, and, the ladies retiring to the kitchen to bring in the supper, rose and placed chairs. A piece of roast beef was placed before him, and, motioning Mr. Sharp to a seat opposite Florrie, he began to carve. "Just a nice comfortable party," he said, genially, as he finished. "Help yourself to the ale, Bert." Mr.

It isn't as if I had to go in for a profession or anything of that kind. I shall spend my life looking after the property, and there's no particular need to swot for that." "I hate loafers," said Darsie in her turn, then once more relented and said genially, "But I don't believe you mean half that you say.

"Well, if I were you," he said, looking at her rather genially, "I would try the department stores. They often need young women as clerks." "Thank you," she said, her whole nature relieved by this spark of friendly interest. "Thank you," she said, her whole nature relieved by this spark of friendly interest.

One day Alexina and Aileen met in San Francisco by appointment and telephoned to James Kirkpatrick, asking him to lunch with them at the California Market. He accepted with alacrity, and laughed genially at their apprehensions. War? War? Not on your life. There'll never be another war. Socialists won't permit it. The kaiser? To hell with the kaiser.

While she liked Bohemia and was entirely indifferent to shabbiness, she had never grown accustomed to vulgarities, and that they should be embodied in her adopted sister filled her with a futile wrath. Stone hurried to his neglected party, waving his hand genially. He was a very tall loosely built man, with a sensuous laughing mouth and an eye that was seldom sober.

Her eyes seemed to grow even larger than the lenses of her spectacles. "Why, you see er I'm figuring on a little more insurance," he stammered. "What has my weight to do with it?" "It isn't life insurance," he made haste to explain. A bright idea struck him. "It is fire insurance, my dear." "I don't see what my " "Of course you don't," he interrupted genially. "It's this way.

The schoolmaster's white-lashed eyelids blinked rapidly for a second or so, and he screwed his face into a hard wrinkled grin of gratification. 'Yes, Ginger, my lad, he said genially, 'Jo, at your service very much at your service; and yours, McKnight. We will go inside now, boys. The sun is painfully hot, and you are fatigued.

"But the night's just beginnin'," said Buck Daniels genially. "You got a world of time before you, and with Satan to fall back on you don't have to count your minutes. Pull up a chair beside me, Dan, and " The latter shook his head, decided. "Buck, I can't do it. Just to sit here" he looked about him "makes me feel sort of choked. Them walls are as close as a coffin."

My course has been so perfectly absurd that I must laugh in spite of myself;" and he did laugh so naturally and genially that Grace was constrained to join him, although the trouble and perplexity did not wholly vanish from her eyes. "And now," he concluded, "that I have experienced my first natural surprise, I will do more than sensibly accept the situation.

She entered into the discussion quite genially, just as if she were talking of the works of some stranger, which I think is the very perfection of the manner authors ought to adopt in talking about their books." It is said that when Victoria, late queen of England, had read Alice in Wonderland she was so pleased that she asked for more of the author's books.