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And the old dame would accompany the boast with a fresh attempt at agility; to which Paddy would respond by "cutting the buckle," and snapping his fingers, whilst fifty voices, amidst roars of laughter, were loud in encouraging each. "Handle your feet, Kitty, darlin' the mettle's lavin' him!" "Off wid the brogues, Paddy, or she'll do you. That's it; kick off the other, an' don't spare the flure."

We were too ill-natured to talk for amusement, and there was nothing else to talk for. This spell was broken about eleven o'clock by the appearance at the head of the stairway of the Irishman with the gun-barrel cane, and his singing out: "Sargint uv the flure: fourtane min and a bread-box!" Instantly every man sprang to his feet, and pressed forward to be one of the favored fourteen.

"They seem to have only just landed, be the look of them. Keep her as she goes and be ready with the anchor there forrard; we'll scupper them yet. Mr. Harman, be plazed to fetch up that linth of lead pipe you'll find on the cabin flure be the door. Capt'in, will you see with Charlie here to the boat while I get the anchor ready for droppin'; them coolies is all thumbs."

"I am afraid I will have a hard time living up to Captain Fronte's standard," laughed Bill, as he adjusted his bandages. "Well, thin, Oi'll tell yez th' fir-rst thing Captain Fronte'd done phwin his two feet hit th' flure: he'd roar fer a dhrink av good liquor.

'Twas thrue I didn't vote f'r it, bein' that I heerd Stephen A. Douglas say 'twas onconstitootional, an' in thim days I wud go to th' flure with anny man f'r th' constitootion. I'm still with it, but not sthrong. It's movin' too fast f'r me. But no matther.

I canna help imaiginin he's been upo' this verra flure ower and ower again sin' I cam oot, as gien he wad fain say something, but cudna, and gaed awa again. 'Think ye he's here at this moment, father? 'Na, he's no. 'He used to think whiles the bonny man was aboot! said Kirsty reflectively.

"Darby Moran," said he, "not a man, barrin' his Reverence here, in the parish we sit in, that I'm prouder to see on my flure give me your hand, man alive, and Mave and all of ye welcome him. Everything of what you know is buried between us, and you're bound to welcome him, if it was only in regard of the handsome way he spoke of our son this day here's my own chair, Darby, and sit down."

"Oh, murder!" said Lord Scatterbrain, "the works of my watch are fallin' about the flure pick them up pick them up pick them up " He could speak no more, and becoming quite incapable of all voluntary action, was undressed and put to bed, the last sound which escaped him being a faint muttering "pick them up."

'Get out iv here, or I'll make th' ghost iv a ghost out iv ye. I can lick anny dead man that iver lived, he said. "With that th' ghost iv O'Grady made a pass at him, an' they clinched an' rowled on th' flure. Now a ghost is no aisy mark f'r anny man, an' O'Grady's ghost was as sthrong as a cow.

We'll hae some place or ither to put him intil, gin it suld be only a shak'-doon upo' the flure. 'Na, na. There's the schuilin' what's to be dune wi' that? 'Deed, mem, ye maun jist come for the sake o' the auld frien'ship atween the faimilies. 'Weel, gin it maun be sae, it maun be sae, yielded Mrs. Falconer, with a sigh. She had not left her own house for a single night for ten years.