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Aboot a week syne I was busy at the back door, hingin' oot some bits o' things, an', hearin' some din i' the back shop, I took a bit glint in at the winda. Fancy my surprise, when here's Sandy i' the middle o' the flure garrin' his airms an' legs flee like the shakers o' Robbie Smith's "deevil."

"'Hurrish, you must go down for your mother when I bid you, says the weak man, turning again to the other boy. "I'll not, says the little fellow; 'send Dick. "Larry said no more, but, laying down the child he had in his hands, upon the flure, makes at him; the lad, however, had the door of him, and was off beyant his reach like a shot.

A number of Irish lads occupy the between-decks: they have a fiddle amongst them, and "welt the flure" on the forecastle, every night, with a perseverance that is most amusing. Thursday, April 2nd. Since the 28th ult., light west and south-westerly winds, with warm balmy days.

'Now I could ondherstand if it was the missus that shaluted me, said he, rubbing across his cheek with his cuff as soon as he was on the road; 'throth an' they're all very fond of me intirely, considherin' they never laid eyes on me till this mornin', barrin' himself. An' I never see nater houses they're as clean as a gintleman's; you might ate off the flure.

He made straucht for the bed, as I thoucht. The Lord preserve's! thoucht I, is he gaein to lie doon wi' 's ain corp? but he turnt awa', an' roon' the fit o' the bed to the ither side o' 't, an' I saw nae mair; an' for a while, auntie Jean sat her lane wi' the deid, for I lay upo' the flure, an' naither h'ard nor saw.

'Thin th' quarantine at Oporto is a farce. An' he plunged into th' seething mass iv handwritin' experts an' ex-prisidents iv th' raypublic in th' coort-yard below." "'Here, says I; an' I'd thread me way with dignity through th' Fr-rinch gin'rals an' ministers on th' flure, an' give me hand to th' prisident to kiss. If he went anny further, I'd break his head.

"And you know the points of the compass, you have a compass, I suppose?" "A compass! by my sowl an' it's not let alone a compass, but a pair a compasses I have, that my brother the carpinthir left me for a keepsake whin he wint abroad; but, indeed, as for the points o' thim I can't say much, for the childer spylt thim intirely, rootin' holes in the flure."

'R-run over an' wake up th' loot at th' station, an' let thim Americans out, or, he says, 'we'll go to the flure, he says. "That's Fitz. He's ca'm, an' he waits part iv th' time. That's whin he's asleep. But, as soon as his eyes opins, his face begins to flare up like wan iv thim r-round stoves in a woodman's shanty whin rosiny wood is thrun in.

"A thousand guineas on Katty! M'Carthy agin Gallagher for ever! whirroo!" "Blur alive the flure's not benefittin by you, Paddy. Lay on it, man! That's it! Bravo! Whish! Our side agin Europe!" "Success, Paddy! Why you could dance the Dusty Miller upon a flure paved wid drawn razures, you're so soople." "Katty for ever! The blood's in you, Katty; you'll win the day, a ban choir! More power to you!"

She rose with a haste marvellous for her years, and approaching, looked down on the prostrate form of the girl. "It can never be my ain Aggie," she faltered, "to rush intil my quaiet hoose that gait, fling a man upo' my bed, an' fa' her len'th upo' my flure!" But Agnes was not yet able to reply.