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Murphy reëntered, and forced her to drink the concoction prepared, the girl accepting with smiling protest. The landlady, empty glass in hand, swept her eyes about the room. "Bedad, but the place looks betther than iver Oi'd belaved, wid the gyurl Oi've got tindin' to it. She's that lazy she goes ter slape swapin' the flure.

The "boys" were delighted. "Bravo, Dick, that's a man, welt the flure cut the buckle murder the clocks rise upon suggaun, and sink upon gad -down the flure flat, foot about keep one foot on the ground and t'other never off it," saluted him from all parts of the house. Sometimes he would receive a sly hint, in a feigned voice, to call for "Devil stick the Fiddler," alluding to the master.

We were too ill-natured to talk for amusement, and there was nothing else to talk for. This spell was broken about eleven o'clock by the appearance at the head of the stairway of the Irishman with the gun-barrel cane, and his singing out: "Sargint uv the flure: fourtane min and a bread-box!" Instantly every man sprang to his feet, and pressed forward to be one of the favored fourteen.

The flure was worn into large holes, that were mostly filled up with slop, where the childher used to daddle about, and amuse themselves by sailing egg-shells upon them, with bits of boiled praties in them, by way of a little faste.

But if Molly Donahue wint to vote in a livery stable, th' first thing she'd do wud be to get a broom, sweep up th' flure, open th' windows, disinfect th' booths, take th' harness fr'm th' walls, an' hang up a pitcher iv Niagary be moonlight, chase out th' watchers an' polis, remove th' seegars, make th' judges get a shave, an' p'raps invalydate th' iliction.

Morrow, is this two young men out of each parish go out upon the flure one of them stands up, then bends himself, sir, at a half bend, placing his left hand behind on the back part of his ham, keeping it there to receive what it's to get.

By this time his leg was much swollen, but the wound had almost stopped bleeding, and it was plain there was no bullet in it, for there were the two orifices. She washed it carefully and bound it up. Then Gibbie raised his head and looked somewhat anxiously round the room. "Ye're luikin' efter Angus?" said Janet; "he's yon'er upo' the flure, a twa yairds frae ye.

"A Staff Orf'cer man, clean as a new rifle, rides up an' sez: 'What damned scarecrows are you? "'A comp'ny av Her Majesty's Black Tyrone an' wan av the Ould Rig'mint, sez Crook very quiet, givin' our visitors the flure as 'twas. "'Oh! sez the Staff Orf'cer; 'did you dislodge that Reserve? "'No! sez Crook, an' the Tyrone laughed. "'Thin fwhat the divil have ye done?

'Clancy, says th' chief, 'ye betther go over an' get a dhrink. He did so, Jawn. I heerd it. An' Clancy was that proud! "Whin th' Hogan flats on Halsted Sthreet took fire, they got all th' people out but wan; an' she was a woman asleep on th' fourth flure. 'Who'll go up? says Bill Musham. 'Sure, sir, says Clancy, 'I'll go'; an' up he wint.

'Why, you ignorant spalpeen, says he, 'you mane, niggarly ignoramush, says he, 'where did you lave your manners? says he. 'If I am dead, it's no fault iv mine, says he; 'an' it's not to be thrun in my teeth at every hand's turn, by the likes iv you, says he, stampin' his foot an the flure, that you'd think the boords id smash undher him.