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He instantly checked his horse, and waited for him to come up. "Do you know," struck in Mickey, "that I belaved in Misther Barnwell till we reached Kansas City? There we met people that had been all through this country and that knew all about it, and every one of the spalpeens told us that we'd lose our sculps if we comed on.

Harrington would take her in the minute she sot her eyes on her purty face." "You know who she was, then?" "I ought to," answered Ben, "for she was my own sister's child." "Your sister's child!" "You wouldn't a belaved it; for the mother of that gal was like a water lily, fresh from the pond, when I run away from hum and went to sea." "Well," said Ralph, breathless.

When Tom came out one day looking bright and cheery, iverybody belaved they had been conspiring togither, and had hit on some thavish trick they was to play on little Kitty McGuire. "When the moon was bright, Kitty used to walk to Limerick and back again of an evening.

She come to tell him at length that she didn't admire his coming, and that he would greatly plaise her if he would make his visits by staying away altogether. The next time Tom went he found the door locked, and, after hammering a half-hour, and being towld there was no admittance, he belaved it was meant as a kind hint that his company was not agreeable. Be yees listening, ye riptile?

I exclaimed. "What! don't you remember us?" "Och! shure, is it yourself that's spaking to me?" exclaimed Pat, for Pat he was of that I had no doubt. "I belaved that you were all murthered by the Injins months ago, and niver expected to see your faces again." "But you see that you were mistaken, Pat, and that we are all alive and well," I said.

Murphy reëntered, and forced her to drink the concoction prepared, the girl accepting with smiling protest. The landlady, empty glass in hand, swept her eyes about the room. "Bedad, but the place looks betther than iver Oi'd belaved, wid the gyurl Oi've got tindin' to it. She's that lazy she goes ter slape swapin' the flure.

"Shure Oi wouldn't have belaved av Oi hadn't seen it," remarked Gerald, who had cautiously ventured back. This was some days later than the events recorded in the previous chapters, since which time, Rand had been selected as leader and Don as corporal, while Gerald, from his fun-loving proclivities, had been named the "Patrol's jester."

"Capital, Molly," exclaimed the delighted husband when his glass was off; "I always belaved an' I belave it now more than iver that a purty woman is fit for anything. After a few more experiments like that I'll go down in shallow wather wid an aisy mind." Rooney kept his word.

"I hope to Hivin he got it done, for if any man iver naded killin'! A carpse named Jimmy Malone would a looked good to me any time these fiftane years. I always said " "And he took it back " "Just like the rid divil! I knew he'd do it! And of course that mutton-head of a Dannie Micnoun belaved him, whativer he said." "Of course he did!" "I knew it! Didn't I say so first?"

"Begorrah, Tom," cried he, wiping his eye with the sleeve of his jumper, "Oi wudn't 'a belaved it, sure, if ye hadn't towld me, mabouchal, wid yer own potato trap! Faith, the poor chap samed quoite a t'other sort.