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Updated: July 31, 2024

"Did you ring, sir?" said a wheezy voice, at last. Mrs. Leadbatter had got tired of waiting. Lancelot started violently Mrs. Leadbatter had latterly left him entirely to Mary Ann. "It's my hastmer," she had explained to him apologetically, meeting him casually in the passage. "I can't trollop up and down stairs as I used to when I fust took this house five-an'-twenty year ago, and pore Mr.

In a' human probability, he's bein' damned in heaps at the present moment aboard another tramp freighter; an' here am I, wi' five-an'-twenty thousand pound invested, resolute to go to sea no more providential's the preceese word except as a passenger, ye'll understand, Janet." McPhee kept his word. He and Janet went for a voyage as passengers in the first-class saloon.

"Did you ring, sir?" said a wheezy voice at last. Mrs. Leadbatter had got tired of waiting. Lancelot started violently Mrs. Leadbatter had latterly left him entirely to Mary Ann. "It's my hastmer," she had explained to him apologetically, meeting him casually in the passage. "I can't trollop up and down stairs as I used to when I fust took this house five-an'-twenty year ago, and pore Mr.

'There's no sport more healthful, I verily believe, agreed the doctor. 'And as for nat'ral history, what can a man want that he can't larn off a fox? Five-an'-twenty years I've been at it, an' the varmints be teachin' me yet. But I'm forgettin' my message, sir, which is that Sir John sends his compliments and would be happy to see you at dinner this evenin', he havin' a few friends.

It was pretty to hear 'em, for they'm all fine players, though mostly theer music was above my mark; but sometimes they'd get him to play somethin' by himself, and then 'twas sweet. But he give up playin' all of a sudden I could niver mek out why or wheer-for, an' I suppose it's over five-an'-twenty 'ear since he touched the fiddle." Now Mrs.

Glegg's eyes, "it'll be bought up by the huckster's wife at Fibb's End, that's where it'll go ten shillin' for the whole lot ten yards, countin' the damaged un five-an'-twenty shillin' 'ud ha' been the price, not a penny less. But I'll say no more, mum; it's nothing to you, a piece o' muslin like that; you can afford to pay three times the money for a thing as isn't half so good.

The promise of the colt made to the priest with such an air of authority, was a finale which the father did not expect, and by which he was not a little staggered. "I could like it all very well," replied the father, "save an' except givin' away the coult that's worth five-an'-twenty guineas, if he's worth a 'crona-bawn.

He's a clever workman, an' taught thee thy trade, remember, an's niver gen me a blow nor so much as an ill word no, not even in 's drink. Thee wouldstna ha' 'm go to the workhus thy own feyther an' him as was a fine-growed man an' handy at everythin' amost as thee art thysen, five-an'-twenty 'ear ago, when thee wast a baby at the breast."

I'm not goin' in sickness an' misery, as I wint afore, to see a man that wouldn't hear my appale to him; an' I'm lavin' you comfortable, agrah, an' wantin' for nothin'. Sure it's only about five-an'-twenty miles from this a mere step. The good God bless an' take care of you, my darlin' wife, till I come home to you!"

The temptation was irresistible. Geake unlocked the skivet, plunged a hand in and banged down a fistful of notes on the table. "Here," said he; "here's five-an'-twenty pound'. You shall have it all if you'll go straight out o' this door an' back to America." Half-an-hour later, William Geake was standing by his garden-gate again. Every now and then he glanced down the road towards St.

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