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I have the dam of the coult still, an a wink's as good as a nod, please your Reverence." "A strong letter in his favor to the President of Maynooth will do him no harm," said the priest. They then joined their other friends, and in a few minutes an excellent dinner, plain and abundant, was spread out upon the table.

"Musha, Peter, but it's well y'r looking," cried one. "Ah, thin, maybe ye an't fat on the ribs," cried another. "An' cockin' his tail like a coult," said a third. I am very certain, if I might venture to judge from the faces about, that, had the favourite for the St. Leger, passed through Kilkee at that moment, comparisons very little to his favor had been drawn from the assemblage around me.

The horse! a poor bit of a coult a poor unsignified animal! To the devil wid him. What is he compared to the joy an' delight of this minute? Take him, sir; take him an' if he was worth his weight in goold, I vow to Heaven above me, I'd not think him too good. Too good! no, nor half good enough for you. God remimber this to you! an' he will, too.

"Everything iss there, and all ready for them to come any time they want to. It woult only mean making up a bed and you coult come here for your meals." "That would do first-rate if you can arrange it." "I will write to Mrs. Lee to-day and ask her to tell me by the telegraph. It will be all right." "That's all right then. Who's the wretched person who is turning me out of here?"

"Musha, Peter, but it's well y'r looking," cried one. "Ah, thin, maybe ye an't fat on the ribs," cried another. "An' cockin' his tail like a coult," said a third. I am very certain, if I might venture to judge from the faces about, that, had the favourite for the St. Leger, passed through Kilkee at that moment, comparisons very little to his favor had been drawn from the assemblage around me.

Der whole tsaloon element knows dot, und knows dot all voult be treated der same. Mit you it voult be fairness fer each one. Foolish peobles hef sait you are a law-tricker, but we know dot you hef only mate der laws brotect as well as bunish. Und at such times as dey het been broken, you hef made dem as mertsiful as you coult. You are no tricker. We are willing to help you make it a glean town.

On Ned seating himself to his bacon and potatoes, Nancy would light another pipe, and plant herself on the opposite hob, putting some interrogatory to him, in the way of business always concerning a third person, and still in a tone of dry ironical indifference: as "Did you see Jimmy Connolly on your travels?" "No." "Humph! Can you tell us if Andy Morrow sould his coult?" "He did."

I was not favourably received, extorting a grunt in reply, that any one could understand denoted dissent. The pipe was slowly removed, and the private opinion of this personage was pretty openly expressed, in his Dutchified dialect. "If a body coult get a wint for der askin', dis might do very well," he said; "but nobody rounts-to mit a fair wind."

I think it will lift," said Captain Bichard. "Don't run us on a rock anyway." "I won'd run you on no rock. I coult smell my way across;" and they started, feeling their way cautiously past Castle Cornet, into the open, where black jaws lined with white teeth lie in wait for the unwary.

"My name will pe McBess, Allister McBess!" cried the rubicund personage, grasping a rather unwilling hand and shaking it wildly, "Allister McBess, oh yes, inteet, an' they will pe telling me you will pe a real Hielanman, though how coult a Hielanman pe hafing such a name as Egerton, it is a missery to me, whatefer!" There was no mistaking the good feeling in Catchach's beaming countenance.