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Reaching forward, he grasped the hands of his cousin and the tears trickled down their smiling faces, while Tim continued rubbing his eyes. "Am I draaming? as me uncle said when they towld him his grandfather had died and willed him two pounds and a half, or does I raaly see before me the youngster that the rid gintlemin had burned up? Let me faal the baal of yer hand."

"And I'm thinkin' that it'll be a few days after this whin we try it agin," added Terry, delighted to see his loved comrade before him unharmed; "I jist give up when I seen you plunge in among the rocks, and was wonderin' how your father and mother and sister Edith would faal when I should be luggin' your dead body home."

I faal as though we shall have something lively to do to-morrow, and so we'd better gain all the slumber we kin." When he reached the camp, he found the lad anxiously awaiting his return. They had signaled to each other several times, but the presence of the danger overhead rendered the boy more uneasy than usual when they were apart. "Have ye observed nothing?" asked Mickey, in an undertone.

"Why had I better belave it?" asked Mickey, with an assumption of gravity that it was impossible for him to feel. "If ye give me your word of honor, I'll belave you, because I've been hungry myself, and know how it goes. I have some lunch wid me, and if ye don't faal above ating with common folks, we'll sup together."

"If I only had me pipe under way I'd faal somewhat more comfortable, barring the worriment I faals at the absence of the youngster. May God watch over him through the darkniss!" "Amen!" was this reverent response of Howard. All through the night Tim O'Rooney and Howard Lawrence sat in close consultation. Hunger and sleep were alike unthought of.

"Now, me good felly, just tip up his noddle and we'll make him faal aisy." Elwood carefully raised his head, and the trembling sufferer eagerly reached forward for the cooling fluid. It was placed to his parched lips and swallowed hastily, when he immediately motioned for more. "Will it do to give it?" asked Howard. "Will it not injure him?"

The faal is about two ells of black silk or stuff, which is hung, without taste or form, on the head, and is extremely unbecoming: but it is worn only by the lower class, or by the aged and devotees. I am a very voluminous correspondent, but if I tire you, it is a proper punishment for your insincerity in desiring me to continue so.

"What's the plant, Granny?" asked Yan, carefully avoiding Sam's gaze. "Shure, an' it grows in the woods." "Yes, but I want to know what it's like and what it's called." "Shure, 'tain't like nothin' else. It's just like itself, an' it's called Witch-hazel. "'Witch-hazel blossoms in the faal, To cure the chills and Fayvers aall, "as cracked Jimmy says."

The Irishman was careful not to arouse too strong hopes in the breast of the lad, and he tried to be guarded in his reply: "An hour ago I would have sworn if there war a half-dozen of us in here, there was no show of our getting away wid our top-knots, for the raison that there is but one hole through which we could sneak, and there's twenty of 'em sitting round there, and watching for us; but I faal that there is some ground for hope."

"This interloper's spyin' into everythin' we dee and say," said he. "We had nee taak aboot religion afore he cum, and noo there's nowt but religion spoken, so that we can hardly get a man or a woman t' dee any trootin' inside the limit; an' when we dee get a chance we hev t' put wor catches into th' oven, for feor him or his gang gan sneakin' aboot and faal in wi' summat they hae nee reet t' see.