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Telephone me at eleven to keep me from catching that twelve-o'clock train. Don't let me take it with Eddie. Think it over, Sam. Honey our future don't throw it away! Don't let me take that twelve-o'clock train!" There were tears streaming from her eyes, and her lips, so carefully firm, were beginning to tremble. "You can't blame a girl, Sam, for wanting to provide for her future. Can you, Sam?

Eddie Helston glanced at the fine form and stiffened bearing of his host, understood that his presence counted for something in the annoyance of Ashe's expression, and departed abashed. "I should like to see that paper, Kitty, if you don't mind." His frown and straightened lip brought fresh wildness into Kitty's expression. "It is my property." She kept one hand behind her.

"Mother " he said softly, pleadingly, "Wake up! I want you to wake up." The weeping nurse placed her arm around him and knelt beside the bed. "She will never wake up again here on earth, Eddie darling. Never nevermore. She has gone to live with the angels where you will be with her some day, but never nevermore on earth."

She seemed obsessed with the idea that she and Eddie were to keep house in Heaven, with two cherubs and a hypodermic syringe. Mrs. Gamble was deeply touched and not a little surprised by the devotion of her daughter's fiance. She turned to him in these hours of despair and gave to him a large share of her pity and consolation. She asked him to pray for Martha.

Eddie had important news for Sis, and he felt that now was the time to tell it before Marian blushed any redder, so he pulled her face up to his, put his lips so close to her ear that his breath tickled, and whispered without any preface whatever that she could marry Bud any time now, because she was a widow. "Here! Somebody Bud quick! Sis has fainted!

That afternoon she was particularly depressed, for she had to wear a dress instead of her favorite breeches, which seemed to depress her more and more as the afternoon wore on. She gladly welcomed the appearance of Eddie Brown and Herbert Potter, who drove out to see the girls and to tell them they were about to leave to go to school.

"I was three or four years older than Eddie," he resumed hoarsely "and he just worshipped me. I had been staying with my uncle in Kyneton for three months, going to school; and Eddie was lost the day after I came home.

Eddie heaved a tremendous sigh of decision and bravely crossed the room. Martha was seated upon the davenport, nervously toying with her fan. He saw with misgiving that she evidently expected something was going to happen. Her eyes were downcast. He stood silent and somewhat awed before her for many minutes, taking the final puffs at an abbreviated cigarette.

She might have thought otherwise, could she have known of the meeting that night in the back room of Blinkey's, where English Eddie and Garson sat with their heads close together over a table. "A chance like this," Griggs was saying, "a chance that will make a fortune for all of us." "It sounds good," Garson admitted, wistfully. "It is good," the other declared with an oath.

Archie carried his box of dry plates in his left hand, and his camera and stand over his right shoulder; Eddie bore a colour-box and sketching-book; Junkie wielded a small fishing-rod, and had a fishing-basket on his back; and Flo was encircled with daisy chains and crowned with laurel and heather, besides which, each of the boys had a small bag of provisions slung on his shoulder.