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"It isn't fair," said he, and the tears gathered in his eyes, and his lips quivered with emotion, "I peeped. Eddie must hide it again;" and he went out of the room, for Eddie to put the button in another place. Willie had been overcome by temptation. He had done a dishonourable act, but his conscience was quick to reprove him, and he had listened to its admonitions.

I ain't got the pep I used to have. Not but what J. Eddie Schwirtz can still sell goods, but I can't talk up to the boss like I could once. I gotta feel some sympathy at the home office. And I by God deserve it way I've worked and slaved for that bunch of cutthroats, and now Sure, that's the way it goes in this world. I tell you, I'm gonna turn socialist!" "Ed listen, Ed.

"Don't cry, Mark," said little Bell, "Eddie and I will save up our money, and by the time we are big, we'll have enough to buy you; then I'll send Eddie down to bring you home." "Yes," said Eddie, "and mamma will give us many a picayune, when we tell her what it's for." Mrs.

"It's worse here, at Taylor's. But we've got it, too." "What does she mean?" Nora addressed herself to Eddie, abandoning all hope of getting anything out of her friend. "We can't make out who reported us. It isn't as if we had any enemies," went on Mrs. Sharp gloomily, as if Nora wasn't present, or at least hadn't spoken. "It isn't as if we had any enemies," she repeated.

We could make a great day of it here, out in the country; lunch at a farm and see the sun set and all. Some day of it we could make if " "I I don't have to go back, Eddie." His face expanded into his widest smile. "Gee! that's great! That's just great!" Silence. "What you thinking of, little lady, sitting there so pretty and all?" "N-nothing." "Nothing? Aw, surely something!"

In a few days she received a letter from Eddie stating that, though his father was still weak, the doctor thought he was so far convalescent as to be able to start upon his journey, and therefore they might expect them in a short time; and he mentioned the day when he thought they would reach Bayton. Four days after they received the letter, Eddie and his father arrived.

It was like walking on your toes past a rattler curled up asleep somewhere, afraid you might spoil his nap. Only Pop wasn't asleep." He sat up and reached his hand for a cup of coffee which Eddie was offering. "Anyway, I had the fun of telling the old devil what I thought about him," he added, and blew away the steam and took another satisfying nip.

Keeping an eye through the door on his prisoner he lighted the lamp and carried it into the back room, setting it upon a commode which stood in one corner. "You really seen maw?" he asked. "Is she well?" "Looked well when I seen her," said Billy; "but she wants her boy back a whole lot. I guess she'd look better still ef he walked in on her some day." "I'll do it," cried Eddie.

Eddie Leonard he's not your kind; he " "I've given you first chance, Sam. That proves how you stand with me. A one! Ace high! First! Nobody can ever take your place with me. Don't be a boob coming and going, Sam; you're one now not to see things and you'll be another one spelled backward if you don't help yourself to your chance when it comes.

By the time I'd finished out in front, getting my prisoner off to the lock-up, sending Eddie Hughes, with Capehart and the other helpers he'd picked up to guard the Vandeman bungalow, handed over to the Santa Ysobel police the matter of finding Fong Ling, and turned back to see how Barbara was getting on, the music sounded once more, the rhythmic movement of many feet.