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George went to Andover, and when he returned, he gathered the team around him in one of the recitation halls and described carefully the offense and defense of our coming opponents. He also demonstrated with checkers what each man did in every play and placed emphasis on the work of Eddie Holt, who was acting captain of the Andover team.

"Everybody?" he asked. "Well, what about the Prince of Wales? His name is Eddie. Eddie What?" "Why why " She was confused. "Horse or dog!" scoffed Johnnie. "Don't you b'lieve it? You mean Princes and cowboys!" Cis had to admit herself wrong. "When I heard One-Eye speak, that first time," he informed her, "I was afraid he was J. J. Hunter, come for Aladdin." They laughed at that, fairly rocking.

"Put 'em up!" admonished Billy, "and listen to me. This ain't no time fer gunplay or no such foolishness. I ain't back here to be took get that out o' your nut. I'm tipped off that a bunch o' siwashes was down here last night to swipe Miss Harding. Come! We gotta go see if she's here or not, an' don't try any funny business on me, Eddie.

But, by gosh, the story hadn't been printed in the newspapers for more than two days before George Heffner saw Eddie in the front yard, plain as day, and ran derned near a mile and a half past his own house before he could stop, as he told some one that met him when he stopped for breath.

Anecdotes of old friends they had shared, forgotten names and incidents reached through the shadows of her thought and stirred an alien memory. He hadn't changed. Ten years and he was still Eddie Meredith, with eyes that looked for simple pleasures and seemed to find them. He had always found something to laugh about. Not the way Erik laughed.

The last name has no significance; but the first name is not chosen at random. The leader of our expedition, the head and brains of it, was and is the sort of man one would address as Edgar. No one would think of calling him "Ed," or "Eddie," any more than he would consider slapping him on the back.

You oughtta seen me the day I quit the shipping-room, right over at the Titanic, too, and then see whether you got something to be scared at." "You you used to work there?" "Six years." "I I ain't scared no more, Eddie; honest, I ain't!" "Gee! I should say not! They ain't even sending you up to the farm." "No, no! They're going to get me a job. A regular outdoor, on-the-level kind of a job.

He folded her in his arms. "I guess it's the first time you ever asked me to do that!" "I'm sure I'm the happiest woman in all the world!" she said happily. As they stood in the doorway, he with his arm about her, they saw Eddie coming up the path toward them. Marsh's honest face, never a good mask for hiding his feelings, wore an expression of bewildered astonishment at their lovelike attitude.

What was his oh, yes, Tantalus that's the lad, Tantalus the cold sparkling water. Man, the thirst he " "The thirst of Tantalus ain't a patch on the thirst I got. And this is something better than cold sparkling water. That's you all over, Tommie joking at serious times," wailed Parsons. "Is it as bad as that with you, Eddie?

Slim waist girdled with raw silk, strong brows, ardent eyes, hair parted above a broad forehead she meant youth to him and a charm which saddened. He thought of how valiant a companion she would be on a long motor tour, exploring mountains, picnicking in a pine grove high above a valley. Her frailness touched him; he was angry at Eddie Swanson for the incessant family bickering.