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Leander setting a greater value upon his Education, Manners and good Nature than his Fortune, was oblig'd to desist in his Pretensions and to sink under the oppression of Avarice: He determin'd to leave Ferara, since he was there to see his Happiness, no more, however, he resolv'd to send his Fair One, a moving Billet Doux before his Departure, which he did, and it was as follows.

Bonner resided in one of the handsomest houses in Cherryvale, and was himself the handsomest boy in the crowd. Besides, he had more than once looked at Missy with soft eyes the girls "teased" Missy about Raymond. It was fitting that Raymond should receive the first billet doux.

Vive la Canadienne Et ses jolis yeux doux, then received its consecration, and the light-hearted fellows kept step to c' était un p'tit bonhomme and

They saw how his imprisonment on the rock "Ma , think of it! all through that storm, too!" had told upon him. His cheeks were hollow, and his eyes sunken, and he looked very weary "and, man doux, no wonder, after eighteen days on L'Etat!" though their friendly shouts had put a touch of colour in his face and a spark in his eyes for the moment. "Now, away home, all of you!" ordered the Sénéchal.

She dazzled them by her personal beauty perhaps more than by her wit; for even mediaeval priests could admire an expansive brow, a deep blue eye, doux et penétrant, a mouth varying with unconscious sarcasms, teeth strong and regular, a neck long and flexible, and shoulders sloping and gracefully moulded, over which fell ample and golden locks; while the attitude, the complexion, the blush, the thrilling accent, and the gracious smile, languor, and passion depicted on a face both pale and animated, seduced the imagination and commanded homage.

His heart gave a great bound. Yes, it was the English flag defiantly flying. And more there were two old 12 pounders being trained on the French squadron. For the first time in years a low laugh burst from his lips. "O mai grand doux," he said in the Jersey patois, "only one man in the world would do that. Only Elie Mattingley!"

The epicier solemnly unrolled the little slip of paper; the print was very small, and he longed to take out his spectacles, but he thought that would make him look old. However, he spelled through the motto with some difficulty: "Comme elle fait soumettre un coeur, En refusant son doux hommage, On peut traiter la coquette en vainqueur; De la beauty modeste on cherit l'esclavage."

'Vous etes les gens qu'il faut pour les Kanaques; vous etes doux, vous et votre famille; vous seriez obeis dans toutes les iles. We had been civil; not always that, my conscience told me, and never anything beyond; and all this to-do is a measure, not of our considerateness, but of the want of it in others.

So pleasant were his dispositions, that almost the whole army narrowly escaped having been thrown and pushed into the River Loire. The battle of Doux was the only one in which he had a share where the republicans were not routed; but some few days afterwards, near Coron, all the troops under him were cut to pieces, and he was himself wounded.

"Here's something from la belle Americaine, upstairs," said she. "A billet doux." "A dun," exclaimed the woman. "No doubt. It can be nothing else." "Well, we can't pay." "No, we can't pay," said the girl, looking at the locked box. "Let me see, how much was it she lent?" "Two hundred francs, I think. We told her we'd give it back in a week. That's nearly a month ago."