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The mails latterly have been very erratic in their arrivals, due to a change in the postal system at home. Henceforth there is to be no penny mail a fact which, seemingly, our friends have not yet grasped; hence it is no uncommon thing to go weeks without letters, and then suddenly to find oneself inundated with say six or eight billets doux.

"Un billet doux" said the patron, playing without design the part of a bewildered chorus, "Why should not madame have given it to him if she wished to write that which she was too modest to say?" "Why did you want it?" "What more natural," cried the patron, "than that the brave captain should be eager to read the sweet confession of your love?"

The variety of scenes and images, the untiring evolution of plot, the kaleidoscopic shifting of harmonious colours, all these seem of the very essence of Arabia, and to coil directly from some bottle of a genie. Ah! what a bottle! As we whirl along in the vast and glowing bacchanal, we cry, like Sganarelle: Qu'ils sont doux Bouteille jolie Qu'ils sont doux Vos petits glou-glous; Ah!

"Man doux d'la vie, where's the Master of Burials?" babbled the jailer. "The apprentice does the obs'quies to-day." "The Master's sick of a squinzy," grunted the centenier. "So hatchet- face and bundle-o'-nails there brings dust to dust, amen."

A Frenchman may be an unkind husband, a severe parent, or an arrogant master, yet never contract his features, or asperate his voice, and for this reason is, in the national sense, "un homme bien doux." His heart may become corrupt, his principles immoral, and his disposition ferocious yet he shall still retain his equability of tone and complacent phraseology, and be "un homme bien aimable."

We three men smoked I, too, for I had lately fallen from grace with the ladies' permission in the drawing-room where Una played upon the piano and sang. I don't think that Jerry had known about her music for he had said nothing of it to me, and when her voice began softly: "Oh doux printemps d'autrefois"

She came back after a few minutes and wrote the following six lines: 'Sans rien oter au plaisir amoureux, L'objet de ton larcin sert a combier nos voeux. A l'abri du danger, mon ame satisfaite Savoure en surete parfaite; Et si tu veux jauer avec securite, Rends-moi mon doux ami, ces dons de l'amitie.

C'étoit un homme d'assez grande taille et brun; mais doux et affable, vaillant et libéral, et qui passoit pour avoir toutes sortes de bonnes qualités.

Should be flute-douce. 'The highest pitched variety of the old flute with a mouthpiece. Murray, N.E.D. cf. Etheredge, The Man of Mode , ii, II: 'Nothing but flute doux and French hoyboys. p. 420 a Curtain or Hangings. When several scenes had to be set one behind another the device of using a curtain or tapestries was common. cf.

We are going out a jolly little razzle! Vera, who was rather handsome, lifted up her face and smiled at her mother gaily. 'I am afraid there will be no razzle' Beatrice accented the word, smiling slightly 'for me. You are slangy, Vera. 'Un doux argot, ma mere. You look tired. Beatrice glanced at the clock. 'I will go to bed when I have cleared the table, she said. Siegmund winced.