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Updated: January 9, 2025
Ther's embrocation, hoss iles, every sort of lin'ments. Hoss balls? Linseed?" The gambler shook his head. "You ain't got physic fer men-folk?" he inquired. "I sure have. But but you ain't sick?" Minky eyed his friend narrowly. Bill's mouth twisted wryly. "I ain't jest sick," he replied. "But," he added hopefully, "you can't never be sure." Minky nodded. "That's so.
Auguste had deluded him in other things, had run away and deserted him in a strange land. But this matter of bringing him to Les Iles was past pardon. It was another face he turned to the Vicomtesse, a stronger face, a face ennobled by a just anger. "Madame la Vicomtesse," he said, "I have a vague notion that you are related to Monsieur de St. Gre.
Therefore use all commers with that respect, courtesie, and liberty is fitting, which will in a short time much increase your trade and shipping to fetch it from you, for as yet it were not good to adventure any more abroad with factors till you bee better provided; now there is nothing more enricheth a Common-wealth than much trade, nor no meanes better to increase than small custome, as Holland, Genua, Ligorne, as divers other places can well tell you, and doth most beggar those places where they take most custome, as Turkie, the Archipelegan Iles, Cicilia, the Spanish ports, but that their officers will connive to enrich themselves, though undo the state."
The precautions which he ordered to be kept up were quite as stringent as in the case of the Iron Mask. Pere Papon asserts that a valet who served the masked prisoner died in his master's room. Echoes of incidents which took place at Pignerol might have reached the Iles Sainte-Marguerite when Saint-Mars transferred his "former prisoner" from one fortress to the other.
I may mention here that at the two outer angles of the wall of the fort which faced the sea two sentries were placed, with orders to fire on any boat which approached within a certain distance. "The prisoner's personal attendant died in the Iles Sainte-Marguerite.
One of these was probably the Man in the Iron Mask; the other, who must have been Matthioli, died before the year 1687, for when Saint-Mars took over the governorship in the month of January of that year of the Iles Sainte-Marguerite he brought only ONE prisoner thither with him.
These Mariners of Captaine Bourdet put mine in the head, that if they had such Barkes as mine were, they might gaine very much in the Iles of the Antilles, and make an exceeding profitable voyage. For I was ready to imbarke my selfe with all speede, to discouer as farre vp our Riuer, as I might by any meanes.
Temple been willing to return to Les Iles after you had providentially taken her away, they would have received her. Philippe de St. Gre is not a man to listen to criticism. As it was, Antoinette did not rest until she found where Mrs. Temple had hidden herself, and then she came here to her. It is not for us to judge any of them.
He looked at his cigar regretfully, and laid it on the top of the radiator. "Too bad," he observed. "Tobacco gen'rally iles up my talkin' machinery, but just now it seems to make me bark like a ship's dog shut up in the hold. Why, yes, Heman, I see you've come. Much obliged to you." This politeness was still more encouraging. Atkins leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs.
Among biographies: Mahan's and Laughton's lives of Nelson, Anson's LIFE OF JERVIS , Clark Russell's LIFE OF COLLINGWOOD , and briefer sketches in FROM HOWARD TO NELSON, ed. Laughton . Desbrière's PROJETS ET TENTATIVES DE DéBARQUEMENT AUX ILES BRITANNIQUES and CAMPAGNE MARITIME DE TRAFALGAR . See also Col.
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