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Updated: August 21, 2024

"Yaas, sir, Boss," was Doright's unvarying reply. The boys were marched a short distance up the deserted street to a disreputable looking shanty. Here they were forced inside and compelled to enter an inner room. "Doright, get a piece of rope and tie these young fellers." "Haint got no rope, Boss," announced Doright. "No rope here." "What'll we tie 'em with?" inquired Lopez.

"Take him, Rowdy," he added with a laugh. "Ah is not in trouble wid mah feet," protested Doright. "If youall wants valuable help, jes' call on me. Mah name's Doright." "And we'll leave Rowdy here to guard the boat so Wyckoff and his gang don't get aboard," suggested Harry, drawing on his jacket. "You will not," cried Arnold. "Rowdy goes with the crowd."

You see if I don't." "Wyckoff don't worry me any," boasted Arnold with a great deal more composure outwardly than he felt inside. "I don't care a snap of my finger for Wyckoff. He couldn't lick a postage stamp." "We'll see about that!" shouted Lopez. "Doright," to the negro, "fetch that cord and tie these fellers up.

Introductions all round were followed by a hearty lunch of fish, sweet potatoes, canned fruit, corn pone and coffee prepared by Doright, who had been at once assigned to the task upon the return of the treasure hunters. Upon opening the chest it was found to contain a quantity of gold and other coins, as well as a number of jewels in settings. Mr.

Arnold and Harry were compelled to lie with outstretched arms and fingers digging into the sand while their comrades parleyed with Doright in plain hearing of their place of concealment. Neither dared to make a sound or in any way attract the attention of their friends. Lopez was swinging the rifle muzzle slowly back and forth.

Their enthusiasm was contagious and Doright actually hurried as he went away to the place where his boat was hidden. In a short time he returned and the boys embarked. The boat was a flat bottomed affair, made for fishing purposes, and was to be noted because of its rugged and simple construction, rather that for being a thing of beauty. Doright handled the craft with skill.

Ah 'spects dey done forgot to tell me all." "Well it's a good thing your shoulders are broad enough to carry that much of a load," laughed the boys. "That's enough." "Now then, Doright Whatsyourname Canaan," Jack began, "can you tell us where we are? It is dark in these woods and we don't know this country at all. Tell me where we are at."

I'm going to burn these cords off my arms, and then I'll set fire to the cabin, and when Doright rushes in, we'll rush out. Before he knows what's up, we'll be away in the woods. I'd like another piece of sheep, though!" "Funny they brought it in here," commented Arnold. "I'll bet Lopez stole it. He was in a mighty hurry to get here and then brought it inside the cabin.

In explanation Doright told him that many people were out for fish at that hour, seeming to think the fish fed at certain hours, hence were more easily captured. In a short time Doright's muscles had forced the ungainly looking craft to a point where it was necessary to use care in navigating the stretch of water if collision with shipping was to be avoided.

He found considerable difficulty in getting the fire applied to the cords without also burning his own flesh. At last he was triumphant. Quickly he loosed Arnold. He then threw the remains of the fire into the middle of the mattress. A burst of flame followed. In an incredibly short time the whole end of the cabin was blazing. Doright horrified fled to the edge of the clearing where he felt safe.

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