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We are merely tourists out for a pleasure trip." "You lie!" almost screamed Wyckoff. "You're after the Spanish Chest, but you shall never have it! It belongs to me!" In his excitement the prisoner almost forgot himself and shook his fist at Jack threateningly, rising to his feet meanwhile. "Sit down!"

He persistently refused to reply to the boys' questions, and after a time they refrained from trying to elicit any information. "Looks like that villain Wyckoff was out after us and means business!" Harry ventured. "He seems to have lots of help!" "I guess this is one of those Spanish moss beds you were telling about, Arnold," Harry said, walking over and kicking the bed.

As I was shoved ashore and before the boat got away, I ran up and landed on him. They were on a schooner of which Wyckoff seemed to be captain. I hope they haven't made away with Charley." "If Charley is as resourceful as you, he's all right," consoled Jack. "I admire your grit and ability. How did you get a fire?" "I made a fire stick as all Boy Scouts can and took a shoe lace for a bow string.

I have no matches nor provisions. I cannot make a fire with sticks, as he did," replied the prisoner in an humble and whining tone intended to placate. "Well," Tom considered, "we might leave you some matches and some grub. You could find plenty of wood hereabouts, couldn't you?" "There's plenty of wood here if one could work it up," replied Wyckoff.

"Don't try to tell me your grandfather did all that," protested Wyckoff, "because I know better. There were a lot of others helped. I read about it in a book." "I am not grudging glory to others," returned David; "I am only saying I am proud that I am a descendant of a revolutionist." Wyckoff dived into his inner pocket and produced a leather photograph frame that folded like a concertina.

In a short time the anchor was brought aboard and lashed fast. The rowboat was slung into place and made secure, and nothing remained but the disposing of Wyckoff to occupy the boys at the island. "How about it, Wyckoff?" called Harry from the deck of the Fortuna; "do you want some grub, or can you rustle for yourself?" A torrent of abuse was the outlaw's reply.

I'm getting rather scared about it." "Look there," cried Jack in a tone that was almost audible to the two men at the pit. "It looks as if Wyckoff were going to dig. He's a plucky chap all right. We must give him credit for that." Wyckoff had searched the vicinity and found a shovel. This he was now preparing to put to use. He was in the pit in another moment and began throwing the sand out.

"I don't think so," replied Arnold. "I believe he's going after something to stimulate the shovelers. They look as if they were getting a little winded. See them slacken down." Wyckoff returned shortly carrying a jug. This he passed down to the men in the pit. Eagerly they reached for the jug, draining great draughts of its contents as they paused briefly.

"Well, he got a boat from us, and it's only right we get one from his boss," asserted Tom. "Did you know your hired man stole our boat?" he inquired, turning to Wyckoff, who looked very humble. "No, sir," replied that worthy. "I know the young fellow, but he is not hired by me. I don't know what you mean about his stealing your boat. I never told him to do such a thing!"

May be they are purposely hiding." "Hello, there's your boat back," cried Tom to the day watchman. "And as I live, there's our Petit Bois skiff," he shouted. "That's the boat the boys had last night," ejaculated Frank. "Say," the watchman called, "Wyckoff was lookin' for you." "What did he say he wanted?" asked Jack. "We ought to answer that signal," declared Harry.