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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Men like you, they'd swear anything for a pot o' beer," ses Henery. "But I'm not going to waste time talking to you, Bob Pretty. I'm going straight off to tell Mr. Sutton." "I shouldn't do that if I was you, Henery," ses Bob. "I dessay," ses Henery Walker; "but then you see I am."

Don't say `not so much, cause it ain't much, fifty pound, more or less, barrin' the nuggets, which I'll keep, as I dessay they would only worry you, and there's plenty more shot in the locker where that come from; an' don't talk about payin' back or thankin' me. You've no occasion to thank me. It's only a loan, an' I'll hold Willum, your brother-in-law, responsible.

"You'll find a lot of chaps that don't hold with books. Dessay you've met 'em?" Paul laughed, precipient of irony. Barney Bill continued: "I've heard some on 'em say: 'What's the good of books? Give me nature, and they goes and asks for it at the public-'ouse. Most say nothing at all, but just booze." "Like father," said Paul. "Eh?" cried his friend sharply. "Sam Button, what married mother."

Mike put it in the club yes'day." The burial-club, Mrs. Sprowl meant, and Harriet evidently understood the allusion. "Have you walked?" went on the woman, doubling up her paper, and then throwing it aside. "Dessay you could do with somethin' to take the cold orff yer chest. Liz," she called out to some one behind the bar, with which the parlour communicated by an open door; "two Irish!"

'Well, I'm sure I'm very glad of it. It isn't everybody can get on with Louise. I dessay she's told you a good deal about me and her stepfather. I don't think she's any reason to complain of the treatment 'She said you were both very kind to her, interposed the hostess. 'I'm sure we try to be, and Mr. 'Iggins, he doesn't mind what he gives her.

"Of course; and if you didn't like me, and I warn't up to my work, why, you could get rid of me. But that's a very different thing to buying a ship." "Yes," said Uncle Paul, "but what about the ship-builder? Is he an honest man?" "Oh yes, I think so." "Couldn't he give good references?" "Well, yes. Old established; built a lot of craft. Dessay he'd find a few to say a word for him."

No 'fence, I s'pose no 'fence. 'Oh no, said Mr. Sponge. 'Jog, I dessay, 'll be very glad to see you. 'Oh, you'll be Mr. Sponge? observed the stranger, jumping to a conclusion. 'I am, replied our hero; adding, 'may I ask who I have the honour of addressing? 'My name's Romford Charley Romford; everybody knows me. Very glad to make your 'quaintance, tendering Sponge a great, rough, heavy hand.

"I'll never get as good a wife as you, Aunt Catherine," said Roger with a little whimsical smile that gave him the look of an amused gnome. "Dessay you won't. But someone ye have to have. Why'n't ye try 'Liza Adams. She might have ye she's gittin' on." "'Liza ... Adams!" "That's what I said. Ye needn't repeat it 'Liza ... Adams 's if I'd mentioned a hippopotamus. I git out of patience with ye.

She asked nothing. She had no need to ask. All the desolation about her seemed suddenly to blossom like the rose. Instead of the end of the world, this place seemed to be the core, the warm heart of the world. When at last she spoke, she said quietly: "Your master will go jackal-shooting to-night." Ibrahim nodded his head. "I dessay," he pensively replied.

Her questions wound old Patton up as though he had been a disused clock. He began to feel a whirr among his creaking wheels, a shaking of all his rusty mind. "Perhaps they do, miss," he said, and his wife saw that he was beginning to tremble. "I dessay they do I don't say nothink agen it though theer's none of it cooms my way. But that isn't all the rights on it nayther no, that it ain't.

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