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"Why, it must be a temple," I said, "and that built-up place was the altar." "Does look like it," said Denham thoughtfully. "You gentlemen know best, I dessay," said the Sergeant; "but it strikes me that this here was a palace, and the bit we're in was kitchen." "Nonsense," said Denham. "It was a temple, and that was the altar." "Wouldn't want a chimbley to a temple, would they, sir?" "Chimney?"

The lady of the feathers was out of her depth in this sentence, so she only tossed her head and murmured: "Oh, I dessay!" with an effort after contempt. But Valentine's mood seemed to change. An abstracted gaiety stole over him. If it was simulated, the simulation was very perfect and complete.

"Preparing a warm reception for us, Mark, my lad," said Sir Edward, advancing to his son's side; "but we shall be able to give them one equally warm. Well, my man, how are the wounds? Would you like to have ten minutes' halt?" Nick, to whom this was addressed, showed his teeth in a peculiar smile. "When we've done our work, master; not before. Dessay we shall be 'bliged to wait before we get in."

'By your leave, master, baint you summat in the wrong box here, don't you think? He had planted himself directly in his front, and looked unmistakably menacing. 'May I speak to him? Will you excuse me? said the Captain blandly. 'Ow ay, they'll excuse ye ready enough, I dessay; you're to deal wi' me though. Baint ye in the wrong box now?

I'll come and be a show for to-day if you'll give me," he hesitated at the enormous price he was about to ask, "if you'll give me fifteen shillings." "Done," said the woman, so quickly that Robert felt he had been unfair to himself, and wished he had asked thirty. "Come on now and see my Bill and we'll fix a price for the season. I dessay you might get as much as two pounds a week reg'lar.

'I dessay your man at home is a good chap, and I'll be a good boy, and cook very nice. He is thick-set and short and strong. Nature has adorned him with a cock eye and a yard of mouth, and art, with a prodigiously tall white chimney-pot hat with the crown out, a cotton nightcap, and a wondrous congeries of rags.

I don't mind telling you, Mrs. Mumford, she's close upon six-and-twenty, and nothing like so good-looking as Louise, neither. Mr. 'Iggins, he's kindness itself; but when it comes to differences between his daughter and my daughter, well, it isn't in nature he shouldn't favour his own. There's more be'ind, but I dessay you can guess, and I won't trouble you with things that don't concern you.

I dessay I could do a bit of fighting if I was put to it. Anyhow, I should try if anyone began to meddle with me or those who were with me, but oh, no, you want too much." "Brace," said Sir Humphrey, turning to his brother, "speak out frankly. It is dangerous to be hasty in choosing one's companions, but I want to know what you think of Captain Banes."

I dessay, though, we shall find some turtle floating in this lagoon. If we do we must get one, and then you shall see the difference." "Do you think they are likely to be about these shores?" "Sure to be, sir. We shall see one, I dessay, floating on the water, fast asleep; and I dessay we shall find something else, Master Carey, and if we do, look out." "What for?" "Sea-serpents, sir.

Bunnett agreed with 'im, and said wot a pity it was everybody 'adn't got Bob Pretty's commonsense and good feeling. "'It ain't that, ses Bob, shaking his 'ead at him; 'it ain't to my credit. I dessay if Sam Jones and Peter Gubbins, and Charlie Stubbs and Dicky Weed 'ad been brought up the same as I was they'd 'ave been a lot better than wot I am. "He bid Mr.