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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Sure to be, Jem, and hundreds of wonders to see if we journey on." "Dessay, my lad, dessay; but it's werry wonderful here. Look along that hollow place where the big fir trees is growing." "Lovely, Jem. What a beautiful home it would make." "Say, Mas' Don, let's make our fortunes." "How?" "Let's set up in trade, and deal in wood.

"Then p'r'aps you know what a heart-breaking, back-breaking, wearing-out life it is," burst out poor Mrs Greenways. "All plague an' no profit, that's what it is. It's drive, drive, drive, morning, noon, and night, and all to be done over again the next day. You're never through with it." "Ah! I dessay," said Joshua soothingly; "but there's your daughters now.

I dessay Na'mi told you about that, eh?" "Get on wi' your tale." "Pete Hancock was cap'n. The vessel was called after his uncle, you know, an' the Hancocks had a-bought up most o' the shares in her. That's how Pete came to be cap'n. We sailed on a Friday unlucky, I've heard that is. But Pete said them that laid th' Atlantic cable had started that day an' broke the spell.

Ricketts, a foe of long standing, came towards the public-house, and, halting a yard or two away, eyed him warily. "Come along," said Mr. Billing, speaking somewhat loudly, for the benefit of the men in the bar; "I sha'n't hurt you; my fighting days are over." "Yes, I dessay," replied the other, edging away.

"Don't look like dying, sir," said Tom Fillot. "Strikes me, sir, as he's getting all the best of it." Mark turned upon him angrily, and Tom Fillot gave him a deprecating look. "Beg pardon, sir. It's my tongue, not me. It will talk." "I suppose the others are imprisoned in the forecastle," said Mark, ignoring his remark. "Dessay, sir. That's why they were getting the chain out of the cask."

Unless some fillah cuts in and snaps her up." "Do tell me, Mr. Pellew, why it is men can never credit any woman with an identity of her own?" "Well, I only go by what I see. If they don't marry they go over to Rome when there's property dessay I'm wrong.... What o'clock's that? ten, I suppose. No? well, I suppose it must be eleven, when one comes to think of it.

"Well, that's a good un, that is," said Ike with a chuckle. "I am 'bout fine and glad o' that." He took the rope and tied it up to the ladder again, and then turned to me. "Come along and get some breakfast, my lad," he said. "I dessay you're fine and hungry." "But how about Shock?" "Oh, we'll send him out some. Here, you, Shock, look after the cart and horse.

This is a hever so much better one as I've got to sell for a chap for five shillin': but if you don't want to buy it, you needn't keep finding fault with it. I dessay Mr Big Burr will buy it. It's a beauty ain't yer?" "But I do want to buy it," said Mercer, watching the man as he stroked and caressed the thin creature, "but I haven't got any money to spare." "That don't matter.

"No," I said. "Didn't they hang the highwaymen in chains, Ike?" "To be sure they did. I see one myself swinging about on Hounslow Heath." "Wasn't it very horrible?" "I dunno. Dessay it was. Just look how reg'lar old Bonyparty goes along, don't he just in the same part of the road? I dessay he's a-counting all the steps he takes, and checking of 'em off to see how many more he's got to go through."

"I know some on them, and what they have done, and I don't want to command a craft like that. Been at sea too long." "Well, then," said Uncle Paul, "you must have had great experience, and could judge whether a schooner's good or not." "Dessay I could," said the skipper, "but I aren't perfect." "But you ought to be a good judge," said Uncle Paul.

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