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I turned back, and inquired of my conductor, as we went along, how Mrs. Steerforth was. She said her lady was but poorly, and kept her own room a good deal. When we arrived at the house, I was directed to Miss Dartle in the garden, and left to make my presence known to her myself. She was sitting on a seat at one end of a kind of terrace, overlooking the great city.

They are wonderfully virtuous, I dare say some people contend for that, at least; and I am sure I don't want to contradict them but they have not very fine natures, and they may be thankful that, like their coarse rough skins, they are not easily wounded. 'Really! said Miss Dartle. 'Well, I don't know, now, when I have been better pleased than to hear that. It's so consoling!

Copperfield, she asked, 'is it a nickname? And why does he give it you? Is it eh? because he thinks you young and innocent? I am so stupid in these things. I coloured in replying that I believed it was. 'Oh! said Miss Dartle. 'Now I am glad to know that! I ask for information, and I am glad to know it. He thinks you young and innocent; and so you are his friend. Well, that's quite delightful!

'Do you remember when, in his inheritance of your nature, and in your pampering of his pride and passion, he did this, and disfigured me for life? Look at me, marked until I die with his high displeasure; and moan and groan for what you made him! 'Miss Dartle, I entreated her. 'For Heaven's sake 'I WILL speak! she said, turning on me with her lightning eyes. 'Be silent, you!

I shall never allow people to talk before me about wastefulness and profligacy, and so forth, in connexion with that life, any more. 'And you will be right, said Mrs. Steerforth. 'My son's tutor is a conscientious gentleman; and if I had not implicit reliance on my son, I should have reliance on him. 'Should you? said Miss Dartle. 'Dear me! Conscientious, is he? Really conscientious, now?

'Yes, returned Miss Dartle, 'I have come to look at you. What? You are not ashamed of the face that has done so much? The resolute and unrelenting hatred of her tone, its cold stern sharpness, and its mastered rage, presented her before me, as if I had seen her standing in the light.

'She is dead, perhaps, said Miss Dartle, with a smile, as if she could have spurned the body of the ruined girl. 'She may have drowned herself, miss, returned Mr. Littimer, catching at an excuse for addressing himself to somebody. 'It's very possible. Or, she may have had assistance from the boatmen, and the boatmen's wives and children.

'Miss Dartle, I returned, 'you deepen the injury. It is sufficient already. I will only say, at parting, that you do him a great wrong. 'I do him no wrong, she returned. 'They are a depraved, worthless set. I would have her whipped! Mr. Peggotty passed on, without a word, and went out at the door. 'Oh, shame, Miss Dartle! shame! I said indignantly.

Much as I desired to put an end to the interview, I felt that I had no right to present myself; that it was for Mr. Peggotty alone to see her and recover her. Would he never come? I thought impatiently. 'So! said Rosa Dartle, with a contemptuous laugh, 'I see her at last! Why, he was a poor creature to be taken by that delicate mock-modesty, and that hanging head!

To this affront the average woman's mind leaps at once to revenge; and that she does not always take it depends upon two things; opportunity, and love, which is more powerful than revenge. Sometimes, on hot summer nights, clouds form angrily in the distance; vivid flashes dartle hither and about, which serve to intensify the evening darkness.