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Updated: August 5, 2024

Such a man must maunder. Mrs Baggett had understood accurately the nature of his character; but had not understood that, as was his character, so must he act. He could not alter his own self. He could not turn round upon himself, and bid himself be other than he was. It is necessary to be stern and cruel and determined, a man shall say to himself.

A cold shudder runs down his back at the bare proposal, and the sickly smile with which he says how delighted he shall be ought surely to move even a mother's heart, unless, as I am inclined to believe, the whole proceeding is a mere device adopted by wives to discourage the visits of bachelor friends. It is a cruel trick, though, whatever its excuse may be.

It was not unlikely that the men had been shot down from ambush without having had any intercourse or conversation with the cruel monsters to whom they had come to seek relief, for had there been any talk between them, Rynders would have told of his companions left on shore, and these would have been speedily visited by the desperadoes.

He saw them young, he saw them old, he saw them kind, he saw them cruel, he saw them merry, he saw them grim, he saw them dance, he heard them sing, he saw them tear their hair, and heard them howl" diving, soaring, sailing, perching, violently active in their restlessness stone, brick, slate, tile, transparent to the dreamer's gaze, and pervious to their movements the bells all the while in an uproar, the great church tower vibrating from parapet to basement!

It was a sailor's trick of last resort, heartlessly cruel in its agony, but I felt then no call to mercy. He met the game too late, falling half back upon one knee, hoping thus to foil my purpose, yet my greater weight saved me.

Captivity of La Noue Cruel propositions of Philip Siege of Groningen Death of Barthold Enter His character Hohenlo commands in the north His incompetence He is defeated on Hardenberg Heath Petty operations Isolation of Orange Dissatisfaction and departure of Count John Remonstrance of Archduke Matthias Embassy to Anjou Holland and Zealand offer the sovereignty to Orange Conquest of Portugal Granvelle proposes the Ban against the Prince It is published The document analyzed The Apology of Orange analyzed and characterized Siege of Steenwyk by Renneberg Forgeries Siege relieved Death of Renneberg Institution of the "land-Council" Duchess of Parma sent to the Netherlands Anger of Alexander Prohibition of Catholic worship in Antwerp, Utrecht, and elsewhere Declaration of Independence by the United Provinces Negotiations with Anjou The sovereignty of Holland and Zealand provisionally accepted by Orange Tripartition of the Netherlands Power of the Prince described Act of Abjuration analyzed Philosophy of Netherland politics.

He's been in the habit of letting his pocketbook take the place of his brain and muscles; and he's got the idea that a check, if it's only large enough, can buy anything on earth. That's why he wouldn't be any good to himself or anybody else out on Tarpaulin Island. He'd simply be underfoot. It'd be cruel to take him there. Excuse me if I hurt your feelings.

"He is very much in need of your making allowances!" laughed Balbilla, while the praetor went up to, his wife and told her in a whisper what he had learnt from Mastor. Lucilla clasped her hands in astonishment, and Verus cried to the poetess: "Now you see what a satisfaction your cruel tongue has deprived you of?" "How can you be so revengeful most estimable Verus," said the lady coaxingly.

He was there complained of as a Papist; and the coming over of his cousin being moreover known, a great and cruel scandal did arise from it, and he was looked upon as a man of evil life, though I find nothing to warrant such a notion, but much to the contrary thereof. What became of him and the young woman, his cousin, in the end, I do not learn. One small parcel did affect me even unto tears.

In truth, it was time we should find an end of our sufferings; they had lasted thirteen days, in the most cruel manner. The strongest among us might have lived forty-eight hours or so, longer. M. Correard felt that he must die in the course of the day; he had, however a presentiment we would be saved.

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