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Poets will tend towards Christian orthodoxy for a perfectly plain reason; because it is about the simplest and freest thing now left in the world. On this point it is very necessary to be clear. The Church has been cruel; but the world has been much more cruel. The Church has plotted; but the world has plotted much more.

"All the world was hard and cruel and cold to me the child never was; all the world disappointed me the child never did. My heart soul clung to her. And then, sir, when she was able to run about, a pretty, graceful, loving child, the very joy of my heart and sunshine of my life, the doctor died, and I was left alone with her." She paused for some few minutes, her whole frame shaken with sobs.

Toward evening comes Redhead, and tells Ralph how he hired him a dozen men-at-arms to follow him well-weaponed to Cheaping Knowe: withal he counselled him to take a good gift with him to that same town to buy the good will of the King there; who was a close-fist and a cruel lord.

I gave him myself: what could I do more? He condescended to like me he the hero! Could I help submitting? I loved him: could I help loving him? Did I wrong him in that? Cruel, cruel Wulf!.... Wulf was forced to be stern, or he would have melted at once. 'And what was your love worth to him? What has it done for him?

My love, my sister, my playmate, bound to me by a thousand ancient tendernesses, lies in prison in this city of Thorn, under sentence of a cruel death. Will you help me to release her? I think that with your father, and therefore with you, is the power to open her prison doors!"

Beamish left his post; and one of them had even endured a cruel martyrdom for the truth's sake. A bread-shop in deed it was: and the old Christian, whose fervent appeal had given rise to its establishment, himself preached there in Irish to a delighted congregation, before the Lord took him to himself. *

"I shall never come again it is time to go." "To go! Why, you haven't kissed me yet!" "I do not intend to kiss you." "How cruel of you! You say you will never come and see me again; you break and destroy my dream." "How did you dream of me?" "I dreamed the world was buried in snow, barred with frost that I never went out, but sat here waiting for you to come.

"Consider, Sire, you who are so just, is it the boy's fault that we failed to discover what does not exist? Remember, Saxe lied, lied throughout, and has always lied." He paused, but if he expected to draw some further comment from the King, he failed. Louis lay silent, his face void of expression, and Commines went on: "That cruel jest the Provost-Marshal played upon us all cut me to the heart.

"Why, ma'am, may I speak out?" he asked, and without waiting for leave he gave a full account of the loss of Susan's guinea-fowl, of Rose's visit to Barbara, and of Barbara's greedy and cruel conduct. Barbara denied all that Philip said, and told quite another tale. When she could find no more to say she blushed deeply, for she saw that her story was not believed.

'The Princess Irene lives at Therapia because Prince Mahommed is her lover, and it is a convenient place of meeting. Therefore his safeguard on her gate." "No one could be bold enough to" "One has been bold enough." "One?" "The Hegumen of my Brotherhood." The Princess was very pale. "It is cruel cruel!" she exclaimed. "What ought I to do?"