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Murmuring water drew their steps down into a shallow shaded ravine where a brown brook brawled softly over mossy stones. Multitudes of strange, gray frogs with white spots and black eyes lined the rocky bank and leaped only at close approach. Then Venters's eye descried a very thin, very long green snake coiled round a sapling. They drew closer and closer till they could have touched it.

Bonnie Bell thought this was getting too sort of personal and she starts in toward the house she tells me a good deal of this afterward but he come up closer to the fence and seemed kind of sorry to have her go; and says he: "Wait a minute. I was telling you about my ranch. I'm going to have one some day.

Janet watched her fasten her coat collar up closer about her neck, but she could not speak. Daphne apparently did not expect her to. "It's your turn now," she repeated and without another word turned and walked away. Janet did not follow her except with her eyes. She seemed rivetted to the spot on which she stood.

Lee pulled his chair closer to the window and lighted his pipe. "I cannot tell you," Aunt Josephine began, "how glad I am to have become acquainted with you all. I feel better about Keineth." A silence followed this. Very troubled, Keineth glanced at Mrs. Lee, to find her smiling. "You know I did not approve of the way my brother just turned her over to almost strangers.

Her sister could not blame her for wishing the same lot for the devout young niece, whose fate seemed to bear a closer and closer resemblance to her own; but yesterday she had argued with her, for Kunigunde had insisted firmly that if the girl did not voluntarily knock at the convent door she should be forced to enter, not only for her own sake but also Sir Heinz Schorlin's.

I tell you only what I know this vital distinction between them: the Gothic or colour school is always cheerful, the Greek always oppressed by the shadow of death; and the stronger its masters are, the closer that body of death grips them.

After fully considering the subject, I find it impossible to say even approximately at what distance the lines of trees should be planted, on account of the great variety in the gradients, and the planter must here use his own judgment; and I can only say generally that the lines of trees require to be much nearer each other on a southerly than on a northerly aspect; nearly as close on a westerly aspect as on a southerly; and on an easterly aspect, at a closer distance than on a northerly one.

"A cipher requires a code, and a code means sitting down. Aren't you cold? You are. Come over here and we'll have some tea and work it out together." And before protest could be made they were in a hotel across the street and at a table on which a shaded light permitted a closer examination of the penciled scrawl which went for writing.

The children wondered for a time what could have happened, but discovering some very fine ripe blackberries soon turned to picking and tasting them again, when suddenly they heard the whistling close to them, and again still closer; and presently there was a little rustle through the bushes, and there stood the idiot before them, still whistling.

This meant that when he left Winnipeg tomorrow there would be an end to all that delightful comradeship with Jane which during the years of his long and broken college course had formed so large a part of his life, and which during the past winter had been closer and dearer than ever. Their lives would necessarily drift apart. Other friends would come in and preoccupy her mind and heart.