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Remember when we got home raking up the fire and frying up those pieces of lap of mutton for her supper with the Chutney sauce she liked. And the mulled rum. Could see her in the bedroom from the hearth unclamping the busk of her stays: white. Swish and soft flop her stays made on the bed. Always warm from her. Always liked to let her self out.

There were fish-roes, ginger, and dried fish, or "Bombay duck," duck's eggs hashed with spices, chutney, peppers, grated cocoanut, anchovies, browned crumbs, chicken livers, fried bananas, barley sprouts, onions, and many more, that were mixed and stirred into the spongy rice until your taste was baffled and your senses bewildered.

His companions were still sprawled out on the raft, holding to the logs with all their strength. When Guy assured them that all danger was past they sat up, looking very pale and dazed. "That was awful," said the colonel. "It's a miracle the raft lived through such a ride." "The canoe is gone," exclaimed Forbes. "Washed clear off the deck, and Why, hello, what's the matter, Chutney?"

Finally, Morris's steward came back and said, "I am very sorry, sir, but they are using the chutney at that table." "Now look here, steward," said Morris, "you know that you are here to take care of us, and that at the end of the voyage I will take care of you. Don't make any mistake about that. You understand me?" "Yes, sir, I do," said the steward. "Thank you, sir." "All right," replied Morris.

"The name sounds familiar," Helen echoed. "Do have some more chutney, Dick." "Thanks! What a pig I am making of myself!" he observed cheerfully. "You girls will think I can't talk about any one but Maderstrom, but the whole business beats me so completely. Of course, we were great pals, in a way, but I never thought that I was the apple of his eye, or anything of that sort.

The meal consisted of curries, with which were handed round chutney and Bombay ducks a little fish about the size of a smelt, cut open, dried, and smoked with assafoetida, giving it an intolerably nasty taste to strangers, but one which Anglo-Indians become accustomed to and like no one knows why they are called Bombay ducks cutlets, plantains sliced and fried, pomegranates, and watermelons.

For dishes and cutlery, I believe each of our mothers' pantries contributed. Then a stock of grub was confiscated. The storeroom in the Phalansterie furnished Heinz beans, chutney, and a few others of the fifty-seven. John had run an ad in "The Philistine" for Heinz and taken good stuff in exchange. For four years after that, this old camp was kept stocked with eats all the time.

This was not accomplished without some difficulty, for the poor fellow was in a pitiable state of weakness; but finally, by putting a noosed rope under his arms, Chutney and the colonel, who had gone up ahead, drew him in safety to the top and placed him on a couple of rugs. Then one by one the bags of provisions, the torches, the paddles, and the arms were tied to the rope and pulled up.

He wrote off to Chutney at the Club to say that the Service was highly appreciated in Germany, that he was going to show his friend, the Count de Schlusselback, how to stick a pig in the Indian fashion, and that his august friends, the Duke and Duchess, were everything that was kind and civil. In this dress she walked a Polonaise with Major Dobbin at a Court ball, in which easy dance Mr.

"It is far beneath us," said the colonel; "possibly a hundred feet, but it is the outlet of the lake, I am sure. Upon my word, Chutney, I believe we will get out of this scrape yet." "Come on," said Guy briefly; and he led the way along the narrow path. They traveled in silence for five minutes, until the light from the raft had nearly vanished, and then Guy halted suddenly.