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The colonel could scarcely repress his astonishment as he listened to the wonderful story, and at its conclusion he embraced his rescuer warmly. "We owe you our lives," he said fervently. "Never was a braver deed attempted, never was a rescue more marvelously carried out. Ah, I can never repay the debt. A grateful country will reward you, Captain Chutney. England shall know of your heroism."

The stranger pushed right in through the sullen group of negroes until he reached the open space before the tent, and stood face to face with Guy. Their eyes met in one amazed glance that startled the wondering spectators, and then from Guy's lips burst a glad, hoarse cry: "Melton Forbes, or I am dreaming!" "Chutney, by Jove! My dear fellow, can it be possible?"

Salad herbs finely shredded and then sauted or used in salads. Chillies. Small red peppers used in seasoning. Chives. An herb allied to the onion family. Chutney. An East Indian sweet pickle. Citron. The rind of a fruit of the lemon species preserved in sugar. Collops. Meat cut in small pieces. Compote. Fruit stewed in sirup. Scallop shells in which fish or oysters are sometimes served.

Kate was in the kitchen preparing the buffet, directing a small army of friends. "Dad! Oh, good!" She gave him a hug. "Nice shirt!" She introduced him to Audrey, Jonathan, Monica . . . Names blurred together. "A great event, Kate." He cut a piece of cheddar and broke off the end of a loaf of French bread. He pointed at a quart mason jar. "What's this?" "Pear and ginger chutney." "Yumm."

We can never get back to the lake, and our companions can never reach us here. We could not be more widely separated were the world itself rolling between us." "What do you mean?" cried Forbes. "Are you mad, Chutney?" "Mad? No. I wish I were. You are blind, Melton. How can we get that rope up the seventy feet stretch from the ledge to the summit of the cliff?"

"Now let me down," he said coolly. "If I miss the ledge you can haul me up again." No one made any objections. It was perilous, of course, but some one had to do it, and why not Chutney? They lowered him into the darkness foot by foot, and at last the strain slackened. "All right," came the welcome cry from below. "I'm on the ledge. It's two or three feet wide.

It was terribly unfortunate that it should be so, as what follows will prove. The raft encountered no rapids during the time that all were sleeping, and as far as personal danger was concerned it mattered not whether any one was on guard or not. Forbes and Chutney awoke about the same time. As was Guy's usual habit after sleeping, he lit a torch to see how the current was running.

"Yes," continued Canaris, observing the doubt in their faces; "they must have been surprised in the night and crushed to death. That alone can account for their broken bones. But, remember, all this was thirty years ago or more." "Yes, you are right, Canaris," said Chutney. "I believe, upon my word, what you say is true. The monstrous serpents of the cavern devoured them."

"No, certainly not," exclaimed the colonel, now thoroughly awake. "Here, Chutney, Forbes, pass me a match, quick. I have none about me." They were all on their feet instantly, and Guy lost no time in lighting the torch which he kept always by his side. Holding it over his head he led the way to the shore, and the first brief glance showed only too plainly what was the matter.

You see there is some difficulty in getting it, and that of itself ought to be a strong recommendation for it." "It is a little too hot to suit me," answered the young lady, trying the Indian sauce, "still, there is a pleasant flavour about it that I like." "Oh, you are all right," said Morris, jauntily; "you will be a victim of the chutney habit before two days.