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Cependant j'ai entendu dire que sur ces cent vingt mille hommes il n'y en avoit que la moitié, c'est-

"C'est juste," cried she with an air of bonte; and she kindly recommended me to confine myself to it as much as I chose, saying, that as I was not charged with the surveillance, I need not trouble myself to walk with the pupils: only I might permit her children to come there, to talk English with me.

This machine was 70 feet high, 46 feet in diameter, and had a capacity of 60,000 cubic feet." It is reported that Franklin, more illustrious in his humility than the most brilliant among the lords of the court, when consulted respecting the possible use of balloons, answered simply, "C'est l'enfant qui vient de naitre?"

Of the Levantine youths in the Syrian towns, the product of European schools, a French traveller writes , "C'est une tourbe de déclassés"; while in China some leaders of agitation for democratic changes in the oldest of all Empires are said to be those who have qualified by competitive examination for public employ, and have failed to obtain it.

He held out his hand, exclaiming: "C'est vous, mon ami! Quel chance!" The ruse was understood. His handclasp was returned with meaning. Every one supposed that le bleu of four days ago and le bleu of to-day were old acquaintances who had found each other unexpectedly. There was no chance for private speech. A quick fire of interrogation volleyed at the three recruits, especially at Max.

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"Our chickens are also " a torrent of bad language from Monsieur Deschamps, and a howl of execration from all the rest, silenced Clifford. "It's too hot for that sort of thing," pleaded Elliott. "Idiot!" muttered the Frenchman, shooting ominous glances at the bland youth, who saw nothing. "C'est l'heure," cried a dozen voices, and the tired model stretched his cramped limbs.

"But not a soldier?" "No. You see my clothes!" "Have you come to Paris for pleasure? That is strange, for now there is nothing doing in that way." "Non, c'est vrai. Il n'y a rien a faire dans ce genre." I asked them how they lived in war time. One of the girls she had a pretty delicate face and a serious way of speech smiled, with a sigh that seemed to come from her little high- heeled boots.

Joubert has said beautifully: "C'est la force et le droit qui règlent toutes choses dans le monde; la force en attendant le droit." But right is something moral, and implies inward recognition, free assent of the will; we are not ready for right, right, so far as we are concerned, is not ready, until we have attained this sense of seeing it and willing it.

Vous avez pose, Monsieur, le sublime probleme, "Comment se prennentelles les demoiselles anglaises pour sentir toujours le caoutchouc?" En premier lieu, Monsieur, elles ne "smell of india-rubber" quand elles se trouvent chez elles, dans les bouges infectes qu'on appelle les "stately homes of England." C'est seulement a l'etranger que nous repandons l'odeur saine et rejouissante de caoutchouc.