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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Out from be'ind that bar! Drop that gun!" he commanded of the white-aproned attendant. "Out from that roulette wheel. Everybody line up! Quick and there ain't no time for foolin'." Chattering and laughing, they obeyed, the sheriff, his star gleaming, standing out in front of them all, shivering in mock fright, his hands higher than any one's.

He had gold spectacles, I remember, and used to look over 'em at you while he sang hearty he was always great on singing 'earty to the Lord and when HE got out o' toon 'arf the people went after 'im always. 'E was that sort of man. And to walk be'ind 'im in 'is nice black clo'es 'is 'at was a brimmer made one regular proud to be engaged to such a father-in-law.

Also Time runnin' into years A thousand Places left be'ind; An' Men from both two 'emispheres Discussin' things of every kind; So much more near than I 'ad known, So much more great than I 'ad guessed An' me, like all the rest, alone, But reachin' out to all the rest! "Uncle Cam, where is O'mie? I haven't seen him yet," I broke in upon the older men in the council.

"I took them from you ten minutes ago," poppa replied. "What a memory you've got!" "Zen zare is nothings guaranteed. But we will send special carriage, and be'ind you can follow up," and he indicated the fiacre which had now drawn into line. "I don't think so," said poppa, "when I buy four-in-hand tickets I don't take one-in-hand accommodation." "You will not go in ze private carriage?"

She had much ado to keep pace with him. By and by she halted by a clump of willows and seated herself, announcing hypocritically that she was tired. He heard, and came back contritely. "I forgot," he said. "What has become of your crutch?" "I left it be'ind yesterday, in the boat. There wasn' no time to go back for it." "I am very sorry." Tilda's conscience smote her.

'Here y'are, said the Centre Driver, throwing a mess-tin over. 'An' the cook kep' tea hot for you an' the rest that was out. 'Pull that door shut be'ind you, said the Wheel Driver. 'This barn's cold as a ice-'ouse already, an' the roof leaks like a broke sieve. Billet! Strewth, it ain't 'arf a billet! 'What sort o' trip did you 'ave? asked the Centre Driver.

But mother seed en an' sez to me, 'Shut your mouth. An', not knawin' faither was be'ind me, I ups agin an' sez, 'Why caan't I, as be her awn brother, see Joan anyway an' hear tell what 'tis she've done? I lay as it ban't no mighty harm neither, 'cause Joan's true Tregenza!" "Good Lard! An' faither heard 'e?" "Iss, an' next minute I knawed it.

"Last night I see murder done, an' only that I know they wouldn't believe me, I'd walk across to Limehouse P'lice Station presently and put the splits on 'em, I would." Harley, who was seated behind the speaker, glanced at me significantly. "Sure you wasn't dreamin'?" he inquired facetiously. "Dreamin'!" cried the man. "Dreams don't leave no blood be'ind, do they?" "Blood!" I exclaimed.

'And then the shiny Quaker comes in, said the woman, 'and I shets the door, being be'ind 'im, and that skears 'im for a moment, till I bust out a-larfin': "Oh, you needn't be afeard," sez I; "when we burgles a Quaker in Primrose Court we never minces 'im for sossingers, 'e's so 'ily in 'is flavour."

If we charged or broke or cut, You could bet your bloomin' nut, 'E'd be waitin' fifty paces right flank rear. It was "Din! Din! Din!" With the bullets kickin' dust-spots on the green. When the cartridges ran out, You could hear the front-files shout, "Hi! ammunition-mules an' Gunga Din!" I sha'n't forgit the night When I dropped be'ind the fight With a bullet where my belt-plate should 'a' been.

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