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"Strewth, though I sees it as shouldn't, you look a treat!" he remarked complacently. "Now, young-un, take 'old of his arm. Go up the back streets, and if you see anybody looking at you, call 'im Mar." The two set off, after the man, who was a born realist, had tried to snatch a kiss from the skipper on the threshold.

"Eh!" exclaimed the miner, glancing round, startled and timid, like a child. "He had," exclaimed Mrs. Morel, "if he didn't hurtle himself up as if he was trying to get in the smallest space he could." "Me!" exclaimed Morel "me a good figure! I wor niver much more n'r a skeleton." "Man!" cried his wife, "don't be such a pulamiter!" "'Strewth!" he said.

He dropped his hands, which Mary took as a sign that the tally was finished. "Is that all?" he said, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Strewth! I thought you was going to tell me that my garden had been gott-straffed."

"Church bells, Nobby!" cried a hundred voices. "Garn, do the church bells!" So he did the church bells, as the wind brings the sound across the valley on a summer evening at home, wringing his shipmates' sentimental heartstrings to the limit of their enjoyment. "Strewth!" ejaculated a bearded member of the audience when the turn was over, relighting his pipe with a hand that shook.

We saw Greta depart on the train bound North and branch off East for the Du Taine homestead near Johannesburg. But if she were not in Gueldersdorp, why did the left breast-pocket of the now soiled and heavily-patched khâki tunic bulge so? There were six letters inside there, tied up with a frayed bit of blue ribbon. Hers? 'Strewth, they were!

I'm open to admit they're brave enough; that bombing didn't seem to worry them, and shell-fire pleases them like a call for dinner; and you remember that time we was in action one side of the La Bassée road and they was in it on the other? Strewth!

"Garn," growled Barney. "You an' yer luck! Gent may want a mug, but y'd show yer money fust." "Strewth! I've got it. Y' aint got the chinge fer wot I 'ave in me 'and 'ere. 'As 'e, mister?" "Show it," taunted the man, and then turning to Dart. "Yer wants a mug o' cawfee?" "Yes." The girl held out her hand cautiously the piece of gold lying upon its palm. "Look 'ere," she said.

'Here y'are, said the Centre Driver, throwing a mess-tin over. 'An' the cook kep' tea hot for you an' the rest that was out. 'Pull that door shut be'ind you, said the Wheel Driver. 'This barn's cold as a ice-'ouse already, an' the roof leaks like a broke sieve. Billet! Strewth, it ain't 'arf a billet! 'What sort o' trip did you 'ave? asked the Centre Driver.

We took it back, and protested that we ought not to be served with prison fare. "Skilly?" repeated the cook. "That isn't skilly. It's Quaker Oats." "'Strewth!" yapped a sailor, "That's the bloomin' funniest Quaker Oats I've tasted. Quaker Oats will keep you alive, but that bloomin' muck 'd poison a rat!" saying which he disdainfully emptied the noisome contents of his basin upon the ground.

"An' strewth! when the Doctor sent for me an' pyde me orf ... full wages right on up to the end o' the year, an' the syme to Morris an' the 'ouse'old staff, tellin' us e's goin' on a voyage, I s'ys to 'er, 'It's come!" "On a voyage! Where?" "Oh, carn't you guess?" cried the woman on the ground, desperately looking up with tragic eyes out of a swollen, tear-stained face.