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"'E's the pride of 'is 'ome and the bloomin' brigade, bar one, which is the Subadar Goordit Singh. For w'en the Subadar sees Connor in 'is 'ole, a cut across 'is jaw, doin' of 'is trick alone, away goes Subadar Goordit Singh and two of 'is company be'ind 'im for to rescue. 'E cut with 'is sword like a bloomin' picture. 'E didn't spare 'is strength, and 'e didn't spare the Osnum Digners.

That 'ere coping-stone vas the signal." "Ha!" said Barnabas, buttoning up his coat. "Now, are ye ready, sir?" "Quite!" "Then keep close be'ind me go!" With the word Mr. Shrig began to run, always keeping close beside the wall; indeed he ran so fast and was so very nimble that Barnabas had some ado to keep up with him.

Lemme make you one. You see, I'd 'elped my brother make a rockery in the beer garden be'ind 'is tap, so I knew 'ow to do it to rights. 'Lemme make you one, I says. 'It's 'olidays, but I'm that sort of chap, I 'ate doing nothing, I says. 'I'll make you one to rights. And the long and the short of it was, he said I might. "And that's 'ow I come on the treasure." "What treasure?" I asked.

"'E's the pride of 'is 'ome and the bloomin' brigade, bar one, which is the Subadar Goordit Singh. For w'en the Subadar sees Connor in 'is 'ole, a cut across 'is jaw, doin' of 'is trick alone, away goes Subadar Goordit Singh and two of 'is company be'ind 'im for to rescue. 'E cut with 'is sword like a bloomin' picture. 'E didn't spare 'is strength, and 'e didn't spare the Osnum Digners.

Those who do not so intend will go out, quietly closin' the door be'ind 'em." Half a dozen of the earnest-minded rushed at them, and they had just time to escape into the corridor. "Well, why don't you join?" Beetle asked, resettling his collar. "Why didn't you?" "What's the good? We aren't goin' up for the Army. Besides, I know the drill all except the manual, of course.

Consequently, I was interested when the sentry informs me while I was passin' on my lawful occasions that Click had asked to see the captain. As a general rule warrant officers don't dissipate much of the owner's time, but Click put in an hour and more be'ind that door. My duties kep' me within eyeshot of it. Vickery came out first, an' 'e actually nodded at me an' smiled.

Kipling's soldier that That's all shuv be'ind me Long ago and fur away. But just as poetry, according to Wordsworth, is emotion recalled in tranquillity, so it is only when you have left the experience of falling in love behind that you are really competent to describe it or talk about it with the necessary philosophic detachment. Now of course there is no difficulty about falling in love.

"Go where yer wants," she said, and returned to her washing. Saunders began to climb the narrow stairs, with John behind him. But the smith's small eyes had a puzzled look. "There's somethin' rum," he said to himself. "'Ow did she spend it all? 'As she been carryin' on with some one be'ind Isaac's back, or is Isaac in it too? It's one or t'other."

Ordinarily the Indian water carrier, or bhisti, is attired more nearly after the manner described in Kipling's poem: "The uniform 'e wore Was nothing much before An' rather less than 'arf o' that be'ind. For a twisty piece o' rag and a goatskin leather bag Was all the field equipment 'e could find."

"Did a bloomin' sparrow give you 'is brains when you was changed at birth? Stick William Connor I believe you not! This is what 'appened, me bloomin' sanitary. When I got back be'ind the 'eavenly parapet, there was William Connor in a nice little slaughter-house of 'is own. 'E was doin' of 'isself proud too busy to talk.