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They come down like ellum-branches in still weather. No warnin' at all. Muriel, my bicycle's be'ind the fowlhouse. I'll tell Dr. Dallas, ma'am." She trundled off on her wheel like a brown bee, while Sophie heaven above and earth beneath changed walked stiffly home, to fall over George at his letters, in a muddle of laughter and tears. "It's all quite natural for them," she gasped.

"Yet you pass it every day on your way to the 'Oller it lays just be'ind Simon's oast-'ouse, as James 'isself will tell 'ee." "So it du," interpolated Dutton, with an apologetic nod, "which, leastways, if it don't, can't be no'ow!" having delivered himself of which, he buried his face in the belcher handkerchief.

He stood dazed-like for a second or two, and then 'e took the key out of the cook's 'and, opened the door, and walked in. The four men was close be'ind 'im, and, do all she could, my missis couldn't get in front of 'em. "'Watchman! he ses, in a stuck-up voice, 'wot does this mean? Laura Lamb! wot 'ave you got to say for yourself? Where 'ave you been all the evening?

Jarge left 'is best sledge be'ind 'im, and I my crowbar, and we never went back for them, nor never shall, no." Here Simon paused to mop the grizzled hair at his temples. "I tell 'ee, Peter, that place aren't fit for no man at night. If so be you'm lookin' for a bed, my chap, theer's one you can 'are at 'The Bull, ready and willin'." "An' gratus!" added the Ancient, tapping his snuffbox.

"Did you hear of old Tom Murthly dropping dead in the medder last Thursday?" Diana had just heard of the death of the eccentric old man who for fifty years bachelor and miser had inhabited a dilapidated house in the village. "Well, he did. Yo may take it at that yo may." Them two 'ouses was 'is what stands right be'ind Learoyds', down the village." "Who will they go to now, Betty?"

Only only when any one came down too far towards us that was watchin', they walked right out o' the picture, so to speak. I was 'ighly interested, I can tell you. So were all of us. I watched an old man with a rug 'oo'd dropped a book an' was tryin' to pick it up, when quite slowly, from be'ind two porters carryin' a little reticule an' lookin' from side to side comes out Mrs. Bathurst.

"Oh," I says, "that's news to me, I didn't know 'e'd gone, nor see him neither " which I didn't. So, up I comes again, and, sure enough, the door was open, and it seems to me that the room was empty, till I come upon this pore young man what was lying be'ind the bed, There was a growl from the doctor. 'If you'd had any sense, and sent for me at once, he might have been alive at this moment.

Whereupon the lady at the pay-table had started up, scattering her coins, and shrieked; and this had started the stampede. "Which," added Sam in a whisper to Tilda, "was lucky for us in a way; becos Glasson, after tacklin' Mortimer be'ind the scenes an' threatenin' to have his blood in a bottle, had started off with Gavel to fetch the perlice.

And the minute they come together, it was 'ammer-and-tongs. 'Ot and 'eavy they 'ad it for upwards of an hour, be'ind closed doors, sime as like with the lidy. But w'en Mr. Bayard, 'e come to go, sir, the old gent follows 'im to the landin' just where 'e was when he spoke to you, sir, before 'e 'ad the stroke and 'e says to 'im, says 'e: 'Remember, I cawst you off.

Like mutilated fingers they points up through the night. The blighters what relieves us we'll treat 'em fair an' kind, They're welcome to the soveneers what we 'ave left be'ind. Good-bye, Wipers! though I 'opes it is for good, It 'urts me for to leave yer I little thought it would."