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Updated: August 26, 2024

'E took it away with 'im, in 'is 'ands. 'E's wirin' from Wokin'. My orders was to ask everybody in the train, and I 'ave, an' we're four minutes late now. Are you comin' on, sir? No? Right be'ind!" There is nothing, unless, perhaps, the English language, more terrible than the workings of an English railway-line.

"All aboard, all aboard for London!" roars the guard, and roaring, swings himself up into the boot. "All right be'ind?" cries Mottle-face. "All right, Joe!" sings the guard. "Then leggo, there!" cries Mottle-face.

You mustn't mind 'im being silent, sir; there's some things we can't understand, and though, as I say, 'e 'asn't said anything to me, it's not that I'm scheming be'ind 'is back, for I know 'is meaning without words being necessary." She might have said more, but I interrupted her at this point.

You'll remember that, when we mobilised, some Lost Dogs' 'Ome or Society for Preventin' Christian Knowledge, or something, rushes up a issue o' pocket Testaments an' dishes out one to everybody in the Battery. Bound in a khaki cover they was, an', comin' in remarkable 'andy as a nice sentimental sort o' keepsake, most of 'em stayed be'ind wi' sweet'earts an' wives.

No good sittin' on your be'ind an' 'owlin' because there's a war on, is there?" There was more of the spirit of England in that, Henry thought, than in Cecily's mitten-making.... Gilbert was not at home when he reached the Bloomsbury boarding-house. "Still trying, I suppose," Henry thought. There was a telegram for him.

"Ill back him up from be'ind company in support," grinned the Sergeant, considerably comforted by this description of his coadjutor. "You'll occupy the station assigned to you, my man," said Mr. Bennett, with an admirable burlesque of the military manner. "The front is wherever a soldier is ordered to be a fine saying of Lord Kitchener's! Remember it, Sergeant!"

"War's begun, but it wouldn't be etiquette for us to interfere. What are you saying, my child?" "Nothin', Sir, only only I don't think the Guard will be able to come through on so narrer a front, Sir. They'll all be jammed up be'ind the ridge if we've got there in time. It's awful sticky for guns at the end of our ground, Sir." "I'm inclined to think you're right, Moltke.

Unlike the natives we had seen along the coast, whose garments made a slight concession to the prejudices of civilization, these children of the wild "wore nothing much before and rather less than 'arf o' that be'ind."

I just wanted to get be'ind something that's all I could think of. So I shied for that fissure in the rocks and crawled back in there, trying to squeeze as far along as I could. And 'ere 's the funny part of it I kept on going!" "You what?" "Kept on going. I 'd always thought it was just a place where the 'anging wall 'ad slipped, and that it stopped a few feet back. But it don't it goes on.

I may have been a fool, but I knew what 'ud come of a workin' man's children goin' to live in big 'ouses, with their servants an' their carriages. What better are you? It's come an' it's gone, an' there's shame an' misery left be'ind it! Richard listened without irritation; he was heavy-hearted, the shock of his brother's disgrace had disposed him to see his life on its dark side.

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