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She went to live at Carnarvon. But supposin' that Winnie had gone to the English lady supposin' that she know'd where to find her the lady 'ud never ha' let her go away, she was so fond on her. It was Miss Dalrymple as sp'ilt Winnie, a-givin' her lady-notions. However, I determined to see Miss Dalrymple, and started alone for Carnarvon at once.

"Yaas; well, that's all right, too, suh; I uz on'y a-givin' you a frien'ly aynsweh. I hope you like it." Our intercourse became more amiable and the fellow dragged in his advice that I spend the rest of the night at the house of Mr. Oliver. His acquaintance with that gentleman seemed to grow while we talked, and broke into bloom like a magician's rosebush.

An' this from a lad who ain't got a thing to expect from me an' ain't had as much as he's a-givin' me, either an' knows it. But that's nothin' else but Simon pure frien'ship, I take it. An' Gus, here, him an' Bill, they think about alike; eh, Gus?"

"Sure we made a shift to bring a few of the best chickens we had along wid us, and sorry we'd ha' been to lose her, and she a won'erful layer, and after you a-givin' her to us in a prisint that way." "There was some talk that time," said Jerry, "about me and Bessy." "Ay, true for you, there was," said Mrs. Joyce, in eager assent, "plinty of talk."

An' after that, why, he went on a-givin' out one question after another, an' answerin 'em, tell everybody had declared theirselves entirely satisfied that he was fully equipped to gradj'ate an', tell the truth, I don't doubt thet a heap of 'em felt their minds considerably relieved to have it safe-t over with without puttin' their grad'jates to shame, when what does he do but say, "Well, ef you're satisfied, why, I am an' yet," says he, "I think I would like to ask myself one or two hard questions more, thess to make shore."

There's nothin' doin', and I'm a-givin' it to you straight." Felix nodded in dismissal, rested his elbows on the table, and again puffed away at his brierwood. Being mistaken for a central office detective might or might not be of assistance. At present, he would let matters stand. As he smoked on, the room, which had been almost entirely empty of customers, began filling up.

"When folks started a-comin' through talkin' 'bout a-freein' us an' a-givin' us lan' an' stuff, it didn' take wid Marster's slaves. Us didn' want nothin' to come 'long to take us away from him. Dem a tellin' de Niggers dey'd git lan' an' cattle an' de lak of dat was all foolis'ness, nohow. Us was a-livin' in plenty an' peace. "De war broke out spite o' how Marster's Niggers felt.

Looks like I cain't do nothin' for my own woman a-givin' an' a-givin' to Huldy, like she was some po' white trash, some beggar!" But he had only "sulled," as his mother called it, never quite able to reach the point he desired of actually flinging the care, the gifts, and the loving labors back in the foster-parents' faces.

They were very plainly recent arrivals, for they still wore the characteristic clothes of the Emerald Isle, and after a little conversation with them Shorty produced his bottle and offered them a drink. The foreman had watched them suspiciously, and he came swaggering up, saying insolently: "'Ere, you bloomin' sojer, Hi want you to keep haway from my men, hand not be a-givin' them drink.

"'Which I brings 'em together like twins, says the Red Dog man, ridin' back for his rope. 'I offers two to one, no limit, they don't fight none whatever for a month. "Which, as it shorely looks like he's right, no one takes him. So the Red Dog man leaves his bluff a-hangin' an' goes into the dance- hall, a-givin' of it out cold an' clammy he meditates libatin'.