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Only the father Blumenfeldt, who was of a more nervous strain, flew about in excitement, his fat form full of vibrations, his fat face blazing, contorting with frantic energy. "It iss ein goot yob," he repeated, constantly "ein goot yob." Not a doubt was left. When he came in contact with Carroll he bowed to the ground; he was full of eager protestations, of almost hysterical assertions.

"Dose shkvarehet shkippers vould dake a cheese-box to sea mit a cargo of le't," commented Steve. "All dey care for is de havin' de yob. De owner he don't care if de vessel sink mit de insurance." When Alex had shuffled out of the cottage, I gave the Dutchman the course of his narrative again.

"Look what's after you, man," Skeet warned me from her lofty perch as I went out through the big room in quest of Ina Vandeman. "Better you stay here. I gif you a yob. Lots safer only run the risk of getting your neck broken."

I might turn down the job, but I would not turn down a challenge. I stepped back, and my coat was already on the floor by the time the Swede had a chance to form his words. And his words showed him also cognizant of the Cockney's ruse. "'Vast there, Cocky! Ay give you the yob. No need to fight, and get smashed sick. To-night I got vork to put the crew by the Golden Bough!"

Put down the time you send, you know." "Oh, dat's not'ing. He know putty goot when he get it." "Very well. 'To Mr. John Thomas, State Street, Chicago. Job's ready. Come along. Who's job is it? Yours?" "No. It's hees yob yet. You mak it go to-night, all right. Goot night. I pay it now, yas. Vell, goot night."

'You might tell me who and what this Solo is, continued Jim. 'Smartest, coolest, most darin' gold-thief in Australia. Outlawed for robbery under arms, wanted by all the police 'tween here and the Murray, and his head's worth five hundred to you 'r me, 'r any yob that can rob him of it. He works alone. What his right name is no one knows. 'That's all a bright look-out for me! laughed Jim.

"Say, you Vaylan', huh?" he asked. "Say, you a' right! You ever need yob, Vaylan', you 'ply our union! Huh?" and he laughed, and went on; and the tears welled to Eleanor's eyes. Then came the lawyer to read the will; and after the lawyer's departure, Matthews had told her how she concerned his errand down from the North; and when the door closed on Matthews, she burst into tears.

"In that case I can be of greater service as a rearguard," said Kendrick. "Svenson's canoe is plenty large enough for the three of you without overcrowding. It's really built for four, isn't it, Svenson?" "You bet you life Ay ben smart fallar," grinned the big Swede. "Das ben gude yob, y'batcha. Das har canoe, she ride avay vith seven, den take nodder vun. Yaw, das' rite, alrite."

I vaiting long time all ready, but yust lak I tol' you, he coom." "I thought I told you not to sign that telegram. But it's no matter, didn't do any harm, I guess." "Dot vas a fool, dot boy dere. He ask all tam, 'Vot for? Who write dis? You not? Eh? Who sen' dis? He make me put my name dere; den I get out putty quvick or he ask yet vat iss it for a yob you got somebody, eh?"

Then turning back from Matthews to the foreign settler. "You've got a thundering big farm?" "Yaw! Ae mak' a pig yob of itt!" "By George, I should think you do make a big job of it! This is the way those two-thousand acres of coal lands were swiped! Are you the fellow I gave a permit to cut timber up on the Ridge? What did you change your homestead for?"