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Haney took his hands from the equalizing adjustments he had to make so that Joe's use of the controls would be exact, regardless of moment-to-moment differences in the thrust of the various jets. "We've got a yaw right," said the Chief sharply. "Hold it, Joe!" Joe waited for small quivering needles to return to their proper registrations. "Back and steady," said the Chief a moment later. "Okay!"

"I don't think they will, offer any harm," Jack, alluding, of course, to the squaw and the warrior. I suspect he is an Osage." "Yaw dot ish vot he tolds me," said Otto carefully weighing his words. "What else did he tell you? But, first of all, let me know how you came to be his guest." Thereupon the German related, in his own fashion, the story which long since became familiar to the reader.

"De Huron Injin, him and anoder nigger am out in de woods waitin' for de night to come, when I'm goin' for to take you out to dem." "But Keeway your wife?" "Keewaygooshturkumkankangewock? Yaw, she mine frow; been married six seven years. Nice name dat. Know what Keewaygooshturkumkankangewock means?"

'Of the boy? said Glossin, eagerly. 'Yaw, Mynheer, replied the Captain, coolly. 'He does not live, does he? 'As lifelich as you or I, said Hatteraick. 'Good God! But in India? exclaimed Glossin. 'No, tousand deyvils, here! on this dirty coast of yours, rejoined the prisoner.

At times, when a big beam sea caught her, she would yaw fearfully, falling off several points, and could only be brought back to windward by jamming the thrashing rudder hard over. "We lose headway when she does that, don't we, Job?" panted the boy after one such effort. "And I reckon we couldn't lash the beam fast to keep her this way, could we?

Andy recognized the four-armed semaphore set where a narrow road intersected the highway they were traversing. "Oh, yes," said Andy quickly, "that shows the State line." "Yaw, dot vas so. No one can arrest you now, Marco says, and Marco vas like a lawyer, hey?" "Will I see Mr. Marco soon again?" asked Andy. "For sure dot vas. He toldt me vot to do.

Do you know your goods, that were seized and carried to Woodbourne, are now lying in the Custom-house at Portanferry?" "Now I will commit this younker " "When you have caught him?" "Ay, ay, when I have caught him; I shall not be long about that I will commit him to the Workhouse, or Bridewell, which you know is beside the Custom-house." "Yaw, the Rasp-house; I know it very well."

"The bloody devils!" he cried excitedly. "Ye bet I'll go." "Come, Sergeant, speak up; what do you men say?" "I like not to fight mit der Yankees," he admitted candidly, "but der vomens, py Chiminy, dot vos anoder ting. I vill go, Captain; mein Gott, yaw."

"Yaw, dot ish nodings yaw, holds on I dinks hard!" exclaimed Otto, resolutely checking himself until he could gain time to frame the expression he had in mind. But before he succeeded, a slight exclamation from Deerfoot made own his discovery of the trail for which they were hunting.

He was steering the tug very well for a beginner, and his brother was too busy organizing his expedition to notice that the steering was a little wild; for the waves caused the boat to yaw somewhat in the absence of a skilled hand at the helm. The Leopard was now within about half a mile of the Bellevite.