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Bedad, when a man gets ould and lonely he sees what a fool he was not to make better use of his time when he'd the chance." "Mein Gott!" cried Von Baumser. "You don't mean to say that you would marry suppose you had the chance?" "I don't know," the major answered reflectively. "The vomens is not to be trusted," the German said sadly.

"Dese town dose Schlachtstadt is fine town, eh? Fine vomens. Goot men. Und beer und sausage. Blenty to eat and drink, eh? Und," looking around the room, "you and te poys haf a gay times." "Yes," said the consul shortly, turning away. But he presently faced round again on the unfettered Karl, who was evidently indulging in a gormandizing reverie. "What on earth brought you here, anyway?"

He so nice I just hate to have to fool him, but maybe I get chance to make eet all up some day you tink so? Merciful saints! Ve are queer, ve vomens! Eet vas alvays de voman vat does like de vay you do, hey? Ve vas mooch fools all de time." "Yes, we are 'much fools'; that seems ordained. Yet there are true, noble men in this world, Mercedes, and blessed is she who can boast of such a friendship.

I am not a cat to keep me alvays clean no more as a hogk to keep me always not clean. No, I keep me owdside inside always so clean as it comes eassy, undt I leave me so dirty as it comes eassy." I took his arm into mine his hand was hot and drew him on alone. "Undt t'ose vomens," he persisted in the vestibule, "t'ey are more troubple yet as t'eir veight in goldt!

"The bloody devils!" he cried excitedly. "Ye bet I'll go." "Come, Sergeant, speak up; what do you men say?" "I like not to fight mit der Yankees," he admitted candidly, "but der vomens, py Chiminy, dot vos anoder ting. I vill go, Captain; mein Gott, yaw."

I vish, mine Gott! t'ere be no more any vomens ut all, undt we haf t'e shiltern by mutchinery." On the outer steps I sprang with others to save a young girl, who had stumbled, from pitching headlong to the sidewalk. Once on her feet again, after a limp or two she walked away uninjured; but when I looked around for my real charge he was not in sight.