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Updated: September 14, 2024

They want a boy to scrape the shovels and light the fires, and go up the hothouse chimneys to clear out the soot. He's just the sort for that." "He'll have to polish Old Browny's boots, too." "Yes; and wash Mother Browny's stockings. I say, Court, don't he look a hungry one?" "Regular wolf," said Courtenay; and there was another laugh. "I say," said Courtenay, "I don't believe he's a workhouse."

She thought of the poor delicate little French girl lying by the wayside exhausted, and longed to know if she were at that moment sheltering in the workhouse, and rested, and restored. She wondered what it was like to be in the workhouse alone without a single friend to speak kindly to her; but the bare thought of such a position made her shudder.

Bob and Tom had let their old friends know that their father had given up the whisky, and now he, foolish man, felt half afraid and half ashamed to meet them; but he was obliged to go, for he wanted Peters to go with him, and tell the workhouse people about the rescue of the little girl, for fear they should refuse to take her in unless his story was confirmed.

If such a barn could be filled now, and its produce applied to the help of the poor and aged and injured of the village, we might get rid of that blot on our civilisation the workhouse. Mr. Besant, in his late capital story, 'The Children of Gibeon, most truly pointed out that it was custom which rendered all men indifferent to the sufferings of their fellow-creatures.

I've no friends, nor relations, and no one will take me for their children, if Mrs. Cole says I can't keep order." "Then I suppose you'd go to the workhouse," continued Jeremy, pursuing her case with excited interest.

All Grimworth by this time had heard how Freely had been fastened on by an idiot, who called him "Brother Zavy"; and the younger population seemed to find the singular stranger an unwearying source of fascination, while the householders dropped in one by one to inquire into the incident. "Why don't you send him to the workhouse?" said Mr. Prettyman.

"I don't care where," was the obstinate retort. "Never with us." "She is at Castle Marling now gone to it as her home," resumed the earl; "and even you, when you return, will scarcely venture to turn her out again into the road, or to the workhouse. She will not trouble you long," carelessly continued the earl.

King, with her head in at the carriage window, telling all the story. 'So you have this youth here? said Lady Jane. 'Yes, my Lady; he was so poorly that I couldn't but let him lie down. 'And you have not sent him to the workhouse yet? 'Why, no, not yet, my Lady; I thought I would wait to see how he is to- morrow. 'You had better take care, Mary, said Lady Jane.

I have outlined in an earlier chapter the honourable record of Ireland in this regard. We were agreed in 1836 that the workhouse should never have come; we are now agreed that it must go. Whether in Antrim or in Clare, the same vicious system has produced the same vicious results. Uniform experience has issued in unanimous agreement as to the lines upon which reform ought to proceed.

It must be difficult for the beaters of iron and the barterers in swine to understand why such useless timber is allowed to cumber the great workhouse; but then we don't know exactly what the trilobites were good for, and the utilitarians may find comfort in the reflection that at the present rate the obnoxious family is likely to entirely disappear with the Palæozoic.

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