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And now tell me, are any of your old crew with you? 'Nein; all dead, shot, hanged, drowned, and damned. Brown was the last. All dead but Gipsy Gab, and he would go off the country for a spill of money; or he'll be quiet for his own sake; or old Meg, his aunt, will keep him quiet for hers. 'Which Meg? 'Meg Merrilies, the old devil's limb of a gipsy witch. 'Is she still alive? 'Yaw.

"Yaw, I's your friend," replied Hans Vanderbum, hardly knowing what he said; "and I's sorry as nobody to see you here. How did you got here?" "They brought me, the Shawnee warriors did. They attacked the house in the night, when I was alone with the servants. They murdered them all except me. They have brought myself here to perish in captivity." "Yaw, de Shawnees ish great on dat business.

"Dot's vot I dinks no times, yaw I means dot ish vot I dinks mine Belf." "Good!" said Jack, reaching out and patting his shoulder; "if you will devote a few minutes to hard thought before speaking a single word, you will improve until one of these days you will be able to speak as well as Deerfoot."

"Once," he would remark, "I was clipper-built and could sail right in the wind's eye, but ever since I tuck this craft in tow I've gone to leeward like a tub. In fact, I find there's only one way of going ahead with my Poll, and that is right before the wind! I used to yaw about a good deal at first, but she tuck that out o' me in a day or two.

The latter stamped forward, banging his heavy cane on the ground and muttering to himself: "Yaw, I preaks mine cane his head ofer he talks to me he calls me a rascal und eferydings vot I vas. I shows him " Just then, when he was close to the cabin, a figure emerged from the darkness, moving as silently as if it was a section of the gloom itself, and advancing straight toward him.

"Dot is it, Captain; by Chiminy, he vos took by der ear by his voman und led in der house. Vot you calls dot, if he vos not brisoner, hay?" "Why, she is his wife." "Veil, dot may be, too," he insisted stoutly. "His frau, yaw, dot is it, but by Chiminy, he fights mit her yoost der same, und vos brisoner; und I vos vounded mit der ear off, und vos hongry as never vos."

"I's gettin' shleepy," suddenly exclaimed Hans Vanderbum. "Take gum?" "Yaw; took much as Keewaygooshturkumkankangewock." "Git sleep soon go back don't wake up." "Yaw, I will." And before any one could speak, Hans was lumbering through the bushes and woods on his way back to his lodge, fearful that if he delayed he would fall asleep.

She also continued to fire, but as to do so with effect she had to yaw each time, the schooner, which could fire her stern guns as fast as she could load them, had a considerable advantage. It was a game at long bowls, for the two vessels were already so far apart that it required very good gunnery to send a shot with anything like a correct aim.

Yet, after all this exclamation, I wrapt it up in a piece of canvas, and began to think of making another raft, but I soon perceived the wind began to arise, a fresh gale blowing from the shore, and the sky overcast with clouds and darkness; so thinking a a raft to be in yaw, I let myself into the water with what things I had about me, and it was with much difficulty I got ashore, when soon after it blew a fearful storm.

It was now seen that she was steering for a harbour, the mouth of which could be distinguished from the deck of the Thisbe, with a battery on one side. "Our bow chasers will reach her, Mr Saltwell," cried the captain, at length. The order to fire was eagerly obeyed. The frigate, however, had to yaw for the purpose.