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"I'll fling him doon the stair. Here's doctor eneuch!" he added, looking at Alec. "Gie me half a glaiss, nate." "Never a glaiss nor glaiss sall ye hae frae my han', Mr Cupples. It wad be the deid o' ye. And guid faith! it was the only wise-like thing they did. Fess the twa halves o' 't, Mr Forbes, an' lat him see 't wi' the een o' misbelief."

The doctor had been half an hour gone to Ballaugh, and a man had been put on a horse and sent after him. But it was a twelve-miles' journey; the night was dark; it would be a good hour before he could be back. They touched Pete on the shoulder and suggested something. "Eh?" he answered vacantly. "Dazed," they told themselves. The poor man could not give a wise-like answer.

This was too much for the gravity of any one; and the stillness of the summer night was broken by a burst of hearty laughter from the whole company; and the old man made the matter little better, when the laugh had subsided, by saying in a very grave manner, "well, after a' I think it would be a verra wise-like precaution wi' sic a wee bit body as her."

Think on something wise-like, like a guid laddie." Mhor considered. "If you give me a sheet of paper and an envelope I might write to the Lion at the Zoo." For the sake of peace Mrs. M'Cosh produced the materials, and Mhor sat down at the table, his elbows spread out, his tongue protruding.

"It wudna be wise-like for us twa," exclaimed the beadle, "tae be stravagin' ower the country for three or fower days like wild geese, but the pairish micht expect something. Noo, a 've hed ma share o' a Presbytery an' a Synod, tae say naethin' o' Kirk Sessions, but a 've never seen an Assembly.

'I cannot think it right to tamper with my mother in this false way. The spinster daughter spoke tearfully. 'Would you rather see Mistress Macdonald die of starvation? The doctor spoke sharply; he was tired of the protest. The doctor approved of the new maid. 'She's a wise-like body, he said; 'let her have her way.

He took her hand and held it a moment, then pressed it to his lips. "Happy!" he murmured. "My dear, I was too happy! and I felt that I owed you too much! I went away for a bit just to see if I could do something for you more profitable than basket-making " Mary nodded her head at him in wise-like fashion, just as if he were a spoilt child. "I daresay you did!" she said, smiling.

In the first place, he had the privilege of sex; in the next, David Promoter was generally allowed to be "extr'onar' wise-like and unwardly in a' his ways." In fact there had been an intention of breaking through the family traditions and sending him to the University of Aberdeen. Latterly old Promoter had smoked his pipe very often to the ambitious hope of a minister in his family.

His wife was one Gavinia, and she had no fear of him except when she was travelling. To his face she referred to him as a doited sumph, but to Grizel pleading for him she admitted that despite his warts and quarrelsome legs he was a great big muckle sonsy, stout, buirdly well set up, wise-like, havering man.

I've allus thought 'im wise-like an' sensible for a man in the Church wot ain't got much chance of knowin' the wurrld, but he was jes' meanderin' along to-day meanderin' an' jabberin' about a meek an' quiet sperrit, as if any of us wanted that kind o' thing 'ere! Why it's fightin' all the time!