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Updated: August 18, 2024

We tow'rt on six week thinking aitch day wur th' last, We shifted, an' shifted, till neaw we're quoite fast; We lived upo' nettles, whoile nettles wur good, An' Waterloo porridge the best o' eawr food, Oi'm tellin' yo' true, Oi can find folk enow, As wur livin' na better nor me.

But if ye iver want to borry him, for a whoile, after owle Pat's gone back, ye kin have him, rint-free; an' it's much obloiged I am to ye, sir, fur dressin' him so foine." I made no encouraging remarks as to future transactions in this line, and drove slowly home. Euphemia met me at the door. She had Pomona's baby in her arms. We walked together into the parlor.

Wid that I gave him both, one after the other, smash through the low gyard that he'd been taught whin he was a boy, an' the eyebrow shut down on the cheek-bone like the wing av a sick crow. "Will ye hear reason now, ye brave man?" sez I. "Not whoile I can speak," sez he, staggerin' up blind as a stump.

The proprietor himself, a bald-headed Irishman, sat with feet cocked up on the counter, smoking, and barely glancing up as the Sergeant asked for Mrs. Dupont. "Who are yer?" he asked. "My name is Hamlin; I am here on the lady's invitation." "Sure; thet 's ther name all right, me bhoy. Yer ter go out on the east porch there, an' wait a bit whoile I sind her worrd yer here.

I was loath to do ut, but I wint round an' swung into the jaw side-on an' shifted ut a half pace to the lef'. "'Will ye hear reason now? sez I; 'I can't keep my timper much longer, an 'tis like I will hurt you. "'Not whoile I can stand, he mumbles out av one corner av his mouth. So I closed an' threw him blind, dumb, an' sick, an' jammed the jaw straight.

I caught Marjie just in time, an' I puts off before her toward her home. At the corner I quit kangarooin' an' walks quick an' a little timid-like, just Marjie to a dimple. If you'd been there, you'd wanted to put some more pink flowers round where they'd do the most good." I squeezed his hand. "Quit that, you ugly bear. That's a lady's hand yet a whoile an' can't stand too much pressure.

If it wasn't for the ould fort flamin' out wanst in a whoile, I'd be thinkin' I'd never an oi in my head, barrin' the fires in the tints far an' near gives a bit of dimness to the dark. Phwat time is it?" "Quarter to twelve, Barney." "Troth, then, the relief will be soon coming. I must be thramping the mud av Virginia to save the Union. Good-night, byes. I come to give yez the good word.

After dinner he accompanied Frank and Inza to see the baby. Little Frank was sound asleep, and one of the maids was watching over him. "Where's Lizette, Maggie?" asked Inza. "Th' poor crather do have a headache," answered Maggie. "She axed me would Oi look afther th' choild whoile she rested a bit." "A headache? That's strange. Lizette has told me she never had an ache or a pain in all her life."

"All roight me bhoy," said the Irishman, rising. "Oi'll do jist pwhat ye say; but don't yez be afther lettin' thim carry off th' girrul whoile Oi'm spinding toime this way.

Ortheris misunderstood the movement, and the next instant the Irishman's rifle was dashed aside, while Ortheris stood before him, his eyes blazing with reproof. "You!" said Ortheris. "My Gawd, you! If it was you, wot would we do?" "Kape quiet, little man," said Mulvaney, putting him aside, but very gently; "'tis not me, nor will ut be me whoile Dina Shadd's here. I was but showin' something."

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