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'And lo! it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down. It is a memorable fact that Hiram was never in the habit of accompanying his father on these Sunday-excursions. Not that his mother positively interdicted him.

On either side were nettles and daisies, sheep's parsley and ill-smelling garlic. Here it was calm and peaceful as in some village church. Tall willows bent dreamily over the stream; the steep, green banks were bathed in sunlight; tall burdocks flourished amid the nettles, and prickly thistles became entangled in the lace trimming of Lida's dress. One huge plant powdered her with its white seeds.

From its flat front shot ostentatiously forth a porch adorned with Roman columns which commanded a near view of the Mouse, and before the porch was a small garden in which several healthy-looking nettles had made their home. As the Prophet and the two kids approached this delightful abode, a white face appeared, gluing itself to the pane of an upper window.

"I believe she did." "And do you think it did the horse any good?" "Don't be absurd!" cried her mother laughingly, on nettles lest the girl displease the young doctor. "Don't crowd me, Eloise, don't crowd me," responded Mr. Evringham. "I'd rather have something a little more substantial doing for a sick horse than the prayers of an infant; eh, Ballard?"

Poppies gleamed here and there amongst the wheat; the ditch was edged with flowers, brambles, nettles, sweet-brier, long prickly stems, broad shining leaves, blackberries and purple digitalis, all of which mingled their colours and various foliage and uneven branches, and crossed their shadows on the grey dust like the meshes of a net.

Paper may be made of many other materials, such as hay, straw, nettles, flax, grasses, parsnips, turnips, colewort leaves, wood-shavings, indeed of anything fibrous; but as the invention of printing is not concerned in them, I see no occasion to consider their merits. Before I pass from paper, it may not be irrelevant to say a word or two on the names by which we distinguish the sorts and sizes.

If any youthful clergyman shall read these lines, who knows in his conscience that his churchyard-walks are grown up with weeds, and the graves covered with nettles, upon sight hereof let him summon his man-servant, or get a labourer if he have no man-servant. Let him provide a reaping-hook and a large new spade. These implements will suffice in the meantime.

'Give me my parasol, said Zinaida, 'I threw it down somewhere, and don't stare at me like that ... what ridiculous nonsense! you're not hurt, are you? stung by the nettles, I daresay?

"You haven't been to Caermaen, have you?" "No. I got it in the Roman fort by the common." "Oh, the twyn. You must have been trespassing then. Do you know what it is?" "No. I thought it looked different from the common nettles." "Yes; it's a Roman nettle arctic pilulifera. It's a rare plant. Burrows says it's to be found at Caermaen, but I was never able to come across it.

But long since the Milesians had come into Ireland, and the Danaans had passed into the hills and the unseen; and with the old centuries of their enchantment heavy on them, their eyes had grown no better than the eyes of mortals: gorse-grown hills they saw, and green nettles growing, and no sign of the walls and towers of the palace of Lir.