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Updated: August 19, 2024

"I'm glad to hear your mother express such confidence, Vint," Jack said as they walked out on the veranda to take a good-night smoke; "but just let me give you a maxim of my own, the lock's not sure unless the key is in your pocket." "Sententious, my boy, but vague. My mother is perfectly right. Our niggers are fidelity itself.

Mercy Vint trembled. "No doubt," said she, softly. "Excuse my question: you shall understand that the horse is well known here." "Madam," said Sir George, "if you admire the horse, he is at your service for twenty pounds, though indeed he is worth more." "I thank you, sir," said Mercy; "I have no desire for the horse whatever. And be pleased to excuse my curiosity: you must think me impertinent."

"How, Anders?" "W'y, you's on'y got wait for nort' vint, den up kite, launch boat, an' hup! away." "True, lad, but I don't want to escape just yet." "Not want to 'scape?" "No.

"Yes, indeedy; and, oh, bress de Lord, Massa Vint knows her, and is talkin' like a sweet dove!" It was true. Miss "Limpy," blushing very red, was surprised by Rosa in a very motherly attitude by the patient's cot.

D'autres, avec plus de raison, se persuaderent qu'il avoit perdu la tête, et qu'il ne voyait et n'entendait plus rien de se qui se disoit et de ce qui se passait autour de lui. Le General Berthier vint le prier instamment de se retirer; au lieu de lui repondre il se coucha par terre.

And this species of adventurer, we are told, has always the same commencement to his memoirs, "Il vint a Paris en sabots." The numerous avocations of women in the French capital explain, in a measure, their superior tact, efficiency, and force of character. This is especially true of females of the middle class, who have been justly described as remarkable for good sense and appropriate costumes.

And then, "Ardea, I'd rather see you dead and in your coffin!" "Just why apart from your prejudice?" "It's Beauty and the Beast over again. You don't know Vint Farley." "Don't I? My opportunities have been very much better than yours," she retorted. "That may be, but I say you don't know him. He is a whited sepulcher." "But you can not particularize," she insisted.

I was layin' for that houn'-dog 'at walks on his hind legs and calls hisself Vint Farley." "Who are you?" Tom demanded. "Kincaid's my name, and I'm s'posed to be one o' the strike guards; leastwise, that's what I hired out for a little spell ago. I couldn't think of nare' a better way o' gettin' at the damned " Gordon interrupted bruskly. "Cut out the curses and tell me what you owe Vint Farley.

"It is a habit of boyishness and immaturity. "I'll leave it to Vint: All women love babies; babies do nothing but cry; therefore, women love crying; there couldn't be a syllogism more irrefutable." "Unless it be that all women love liars," Vincent ventured, jocosely. "How do you prove that?" "All men are liars; women love men; therefore " "Oh, pshaw! you have to assume in that premise.

All the guests were sauntering about the garden. "I shall have to suggest a walk in the birchwood before tea, or else a row in the boats," thought Olga Mihalovna, hurrying to the croquet ground, from which came the sounds of voices and laughter. "And sit the old people down to vint. . . ." She met Grigory the footman coming from the croquet ground with empty bottles.

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