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While accordingly the more clear-seeing of the aristocracy could not but find these partial and grudging concessions as inadequate as did the new burgesses and the excluded themselves, they further painfully felt the absence from their ranks of the numerous and excellent men whom the Varian commission of high treason had exiled, and whom it was the more difficult to recall because they had been condemned by the verdict not of the people but of the jury-courts; for, while there was little hesitation as to cancelling a decree of the people even of a judicial character by means of a second, the cancelling of a verdict of jurymen bythe people appeared to the betterportion of the aristocracy as a very dangerous precedent.

Varian faced the older woman, and, with hat still in hand, instinctively bowed lower; for this was no housekeeper he was sure of that. Even as she met his eyes a great flood of pink rushed to her smooth forehead, and she dropped her lids as she bowed slightly. He reflected irrelevantly that he had never seen Mrs. Dudley blush in his life.

On the main scene of war, Campania, they had been decisively defeated, and the country was in the enemy's power. A selfish intriguer like Marius might very likely have thought of throwing in his lot with the Italians, for theirs seemed to be the winning side. They got the administration of the Varian Law into their own hands, and turned it against its authors, Varius himself being exiled.

A road was opened from the Rhine into the German hinterland, and Germanicus led his army into the heart of a country of which he knew but little to avenge the disasters of the Varian legions. The forest folk eluded the invading host, which now sought to return to headquarters; but ere they had completed the journey they were assailed and suffered a severe reverse.

Go, earn Rome's chain to load thy neck, Her gems to deck thy hilt; And blazon honour's hapless wreck With all the gauds of guilt. "But wouldst thou have ME share the prey? By all that I have done, The Varian bones that day by day Lie whitening in the sun, The legion's trampled panoply, The eagle's shattered wing, I would not be for earth or sky So scorn'd and mean a thing.

She never forgets me; she brings somebody to my sitting-room every day or so that she thinks I'd enjoy meeting and I always do. She never makes a mistake." "Oh, she's wonderful," Varian agreed easily. "There's nobody like Mrs. Dud, of course." She stopped her work a moment and looked curiously at him. "What do you mean by that?" she asked.

Thitherward, like homing pigeons, Vanamee's thoughts turned irresistibly. Near to that tower, just beyond, in the little hollow, hidden now from his sight, was the Seed ranch where Angele Varian had lived. Straining his eyes, peering across the intervening levels, Vanamee fancied he could almost see the line of venerable pear trees in whose shadow she had been accustomed to wait for him.

For instance, he prevented by his veto one of his colleagues from cancelling through a decree of the people the sentences of jurymen issued under the Varian law; and when the late aedile Gaius Caesar, passing over the praetorship, unconstitutionally became a candidate for the consulship for 667, with the design, it was alleged, of getting the charge of the Asiatic war afterwards entrusted to him, Sulpicius opposed him more resolutely and sharply than any one else.

Hal Varian of the School of Information Management and Systems at the University of California in Berkeley summarizes the treatment of "Price Discrimination" in A. C. Pigou's seminal 1920 tome, "The Economics of Welfare": "First-degree price discrimination means that the producer sells different units of output for different prices and these prices may differ from person to person.

Edward Everett, Ralph Waldo Emerson and John B. Gough are among the great orators who have electrified and instructed the older inhabitants, and the musical notes of the Black Swan, Mlle. Whiting and Madame Varian will ever be remembered by those whose pleasure it was to listen to them. Mrs.