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In them days wen I went a gunnin arter Jabez, I uster to think ez thar wuzn't no sech varmint ez a Tory, but I didn't know nothin bout lawyers, and sheriffs them times. I callate ye could cut five Tories aout o' one lawyer an make a dozen skunks aout o' what wuz leff over. I'm a goin hum." This was the signal for a general break-up.

Maybe you hain’t interested no more but thet tha’ ole Dopped ganger, the Wild Hunter, the spooky old critter, has been seen agin. i wuz on the top of the painted Butte yesterday squinten one i in the valley look’n for elk and look’n up with tother i for Big horn on the mountain, when i staged the old duffer snoop’en along in one of the parks an’ he had the same long hair and long rifle he uster have.

It was true that the little man, in a dark coat and hat alike too large for him, with his shabby shoes and trousers and apologetic demeanour, promised no very profitable plucking; but the rule of Dutch House is to neglect none, however lowly. "Well, bo'," grunted the waiter cheerfully, polishing off the top of the table with a saturated towel, "yuh don't come round's often as y' uster."

"Nothing. Only when anybody's seen Esther, they always start asking about old Doc. Coombe. It gives them a kind of opening. Yes, that's the old Coombe place over there. The one with the fir trees and the big elm by the gate." "A pleasant house," said Callandar in a detached voice. "So-so. The old Doc. uster putter around considerable. But they say his widow isn't doing much to keep it up.

But Margaret said something, too, that deeply interested the visitor at Pine Camp before she ended her call, making her exit as she had her entrance, by the window. "I reckon you never seen this house of your uncle's before, did you?" queried Margaret at one point in the conversation. "Oh, no. I never visited them before." "Didn't you uster visit 'em when they lived at Pale Lick?" "No.

William silently regarded him for a moment, and then leaning forward a little said, very clearly, "Well, I guess you ain't making so much as you uster when you sold light-weight coal on the big contract from the city, but I'm told on the best au-thor-ity, Mister Jonas, that you ain't ever likely to know what it means to be without money."

I'd calculated on being there, to sorter back you up, till you'd got uster the place, an' made 'em understand you mean business." Claire laughed, a quick, sharp little laugh. "O, I think I'm gradually making them understand I mean business," she said. "And I'm sure it is better, since I have to be there at all, that I should be there without you, independent of any help.

Mammy, coifed and kerchiefed, came down the stairs and through the house. "O my Lawd! Hit's my baby! O glory be! Singin' jes' lak he uster sing, layin' in my lap mammy singin' ter him, an' he singin' ter mammy! O Marse Jesus! let me look at him " "Beau chevalier qui partez pour la guerre, Qu'allez-vous faire Si loin de nous? Judith ran down the steps and over the grass, through the storm.

"Brankley is some connosser I will admit," he conceded grudgingly, "but Kissiwasti's got orl th' 'toppin orf wot's good fur 'im dahn Regina 'e went through a reg'lar course dahn there took 'is degree, so t' speak. . . . I uster tike an' 'ang 'is kydge hup in that little gallery in th' ridin school of a mornin' when Inspector Chappell, th' ridin' master wos breakin' in a bunch o' rookies 'toppin' orf, wot? . . ."

We shell meet them agin on that shore, We shell meet them agin on that shore, With fairer face, un angel grace, Each loved un ull welcome us ther. "They uster mourn when the childurn died, Un said goo-bye at the river side, They dipped ther feet in the glidin' stream, Un faded away, like a loveli dream, Un faded away like a loveli dream."