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Updated: August 18, 2024

Then he trembled violently. Captain Wycherley observed what was happening and said: "Come on, don't worry about the next man. Let's have a look at your wound." "Yer not goin' ter take orf me arm, are yer, sir?" "No, of course not, don't be so silly!" "Yer won't 'urt me, sir, will yer?" "No, no. Pull yourself together now. Be a man! You won't feel anything at all."

You'd be jolly well locked up for mutiny." "I'd sooner be locked up," he said. "It don't kill you!" There was a murmur of agreement from the others, and then a moment of silence, in which, I know, the men were thinking. Jaskett's voice broke into it. "I never thought at first as she was 'aunted " he commenced; but Plummer cut in across his speech. "We mustn't 'urt any one, yer know," he said.

"My feelings are 'urt," she said with dignity, "and they can only be appeased if you withdraw your remarks, and promise that Pixie shall come. You can pay for the lessons she takes, and the Paris Conservatoire will not ruin you, my dear, I can tell you that; but for the rest, do you suppose Pixie will do nothing for me in return for her board?

Peter shook 'is 'ead. "I have no wish to 'urt you, Isaac," he ses, kindly; "excitement like fighting is dangerous for an old man. Give us our money and we'll say no more about it." "No, my lads," ses Isaac. "I've undertook to take charge o' this money and I'm going to do it; and I 'ope that when we all sign on aboard the Planet there'll be a matter o' twelve pounds each left.

He did not speak, but we cannot say that he did not pray, for, mentally he said, "I beg your parding, old gen'l'm'n, an' I on'y pray that a lot of fellers like you may come 'ere sometimes to 'urt our feelin's in that vay!" At that moment Hetty bent over the bed, and, softly kissing her brother's dirty face, whispered, "Yes, Bobby, that's what they teach me in Sunday-school at George Yard."

White was a'most as pleased as the keepers, and 'e warned Bob solemn not to speak becos all 'e said would be used agin 'im. "Never mind about that," ses Bob Pretty. "I've got a clear conscience, and talking can't 'urt me. I'm very glad to see you, Mr. White; if these two clever, experienced keepers hadn't brought me I should 'ave looked you up myself. They've been and stole my partridges."

"I ain't agoing to Church to-morrer," said another, with assumed languor. "Me and Sam's goin' on 'Midnight Pass' ter-night, ain't we, Sam?" inquired a young "timeserving" fellow. "Who's on at the Hipper-drome?" "Oh! Mah-rie Lloyd." "Get urt, you'm too young to see our Mah-rie." Roars of laughter, that almost shut out the wind with their heartiness!

"Lord love your 'art," said the boarding-master, "I wouldn't 'urt you. I'm on'y acting under your orders now; yours and the captin's. It ain't in my reg'lar way o' business at all, but I'm so good-natured I can't say 'no." "Can't say 'no' to five pounds, you mean," retorted Mr. Wilks, who by no means relished these remarks.

She desired nothing so much since that scene in the office as to ignore his existence. "'E was 'urt shockin' bad this awft'noon," Mrs. Stout related. "Out 'orseback ridin', and 'is 'orse ran away with 'im, and fell on 'im. Fell all of a 'eap, they say. Terrible terrible! The pore man isn't expected to live. 'Is back's broke, they say. W'at a pity! Shockin' accident, indeed."

The seaman was evidently unaccustomed to such scenes, for more than once during the short period of his progress down the lane, he uttered an exclamation of alarm, and sprang to the rescue of those large babies which are supposed to have grown sufficiently old to become nursing mothers to smaller babies acts which were viewed with a look of pity by the small boy, and called from him the encouraging observations, "Keep your mind easy, capp'n; they're all right, bless you; the hosses knows 'em, and wouldn't 'urt 'em on no account."

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