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There'll be lots of people tumblin' about the place lots goin' on, and the governor'll like to have a sensible feller once in a way . . . and I'd like it too," he ended at the bottom of his gruff voice. "Well, you see;" Olva explained, "it depends a bit on my own father. He's all alone up there at our place, and I like to be with him as much as possible."

Yeou asked me in sport, I answered in airnest; but I don't expect nothin' unless yeou mean as I mean. Like me, Hiram, or leave me, it won't make no odds in my lovin' of yeou, nor helpin' of yeou, ef I kin. "'Tain't easy tew say haouw I felt, while she was goin' on that way, but my idees was tumblin' raound inside er me, as ef half a dozen dams was broke loose all tew oncet.

The snow fell three days and nights without ceasing, and they rejoiced greatly over their foresight in preparing so well for it, because it was a big snow, a very big snow. "It ain't jest snowin'," said Shif'less Sol; "the bottom o' the sky hez dropped out, an' all the snow's tumblin' down." The great flakes never ceased for a moment to fall.

Have you been tumblin' into the fire? 'I don't know, he sez; 'but the funny thing is there's no mark of burnin' as I can see. 'Why, I sez, 'it must be the rheumatiz in yer knuckles. I'll get a drop o' turpentine, and rub 'em, So I gets the turpentine, and begins rubbin' his hand, and his arm as well.

I shore allows that when Jule an' old Hickey observes my graceful agility an' then hears me warble "Roll Jurdan, Roll," I'll make 'em hang their heads. "'The tumblin' is about to begin; the band's playin', an' all us athletes is ranged Injun file along a plank down which we're to run. I'm the last chicken on the roost.

So I 'appened to be down near the 'Ome one day three weeks past, an' I see Lumpy a-goin' in. `'Allo! says I. `'Allo! says 'e; an' then 'e told me all about it. `Does they feed you well? I axed. `Oh! don't they, just! said 'e. `There's to be a blow hout this wery night, said 'e. `I wonder, says I, `if they'd let me in, for I'm uncommon 'ungry, I tell you; 'ad nuffin' to heat since last night. Just as I said that, a lot o' fellers like me came tumblin' up to the door so I sneaked in wi' the rest for I thought they'd kick me hout if they knowed I'd come without inwitation."

Caribou Sol carried the news to the Radhurst cabin. "They're 'bout wild down yon," he said. "Fairly tumblin' over one another with excitement." "Why, what's the matter?" questioned Constance. "Afeered of Injuns, that's what's the matter. An' they've good reason to fear, too. If somethin' isn't done afore them natives come back, there'll be lively times around these diggin's."

But, begorra, whin they seen it was raly Bill Malowney himself that was in it, it was only who'd be foremost out agin, tumblin' backways, one over another, and his raverence roarin' an' cursin' them like mad for not waitin' for him.

Stuck to 'im like a limpit till he a-most busted hisself by tumblin' into a swamp, smashin' his spectacles, an' ketchin' fever, w'en he found hisself obleeged to go home to recroot he called it though what dat was I nebber rightly understood, unless it was drinkin' brandy an' water; for I noticed that w'en he said he needed to recroot, he allers had a good stiff pull at de brandy bottle."