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"Aweel, aweel, sir," said the Bailie, "you're welcome to a tune on your ain fiddle; but see if I dinna gar ye dance till't afore a's dune." An anxious consultation now took place between the officer and the Highlanders, but carried on in so low a tone, that it was impossible to catch the sense. So soon as it was concluded they all left the house.

"But, Laird," said Jeanie, "though I ken my father will satisfy every penny of this siller, whatever there's o't, yet I wadna like to borrow it frae ane that maybe thinks of something mair than the paying o't back again." "There's just twenty-five guineas o't," said Dumbiedikes, with a gentle sigh, "and whether your father pays or disna pay, I make ye free till't without another word.

I'll change't, if I leeve to get hame I'll change't, let what like be the consequence, or I'll hae an alias added till't, before waur comes o't; for this'll never do." In such reflections as thae did I expend the impatient feelin that the loss o' the coach, an' the recollection o' certain ither sma' incidents, with which the reader is acquainted, had gien rise to.

Eh, sirce, if you had only seen oor street! The beach ootby at the Saut Pan, whaur there's a free coup for rubbitch, was naething till't! It juist mindit me o' the picture, in oor big Bible, o' Jerusalem when the fowk cam' back frae Babylon till't it was juist a' lyin' a cairn o' lowse steens an' half bricks. There's neen o's 'ill forget Friday nicht in a hurry, or I'm muckle misteen.

I ejaculated fervently, not knowing what I said. But Donald misunderstood me and I had nothing to fear. "Ye're richt there," he cried exultantly; "it's what I ca' a sacred preevilege to hear the like o' that, maist as sacred as a psalm. Ma faither used to play that verra tune at funerals i' the hielands, and the words they aye sang till't was these:

What's yer name?" "Aggie Wilson," answered the child at once. "And yours?" "Jean Black," replied the blonde timidly. "Oho! an' yer faither's name is Andrew, an' his hoose is close by, I'll be bound, so ye'll be guid eneuch to show us the way till't. But first, my bonny lass, ye'll gie me a "

'Haud to that, Dauvid, and hand me till't: we kenna what's comin! 'The wull o' God's comin, insisted David. 'But eh, he added, 'I'm concernt for puir Maister Craig! 'Weel, lat's awa hame and see whether the twa bena there afore 's! Eh, but the sicht o' the bonny corp maun hae gien Steenie a sair hert! I wudna won'er gien he never wan ower't i' this life!

"I was gi'en to understand it was auld Edie that saved them," said Mrs. Heukbane "Edie Ochiltree, the Blue-Gown, ye ken; and that he pu'd the hale three out of the auld fish-pound, for Monkbarns had threepit on them to gang in till't to see the wark o' the monks lang syne." "Hout, lass, nonsense!" answered the postmistress; "I'll tell ye, a' about it, as Caxon tell'd it to me.

"Brute, if ye like, but aristocrat frae scalp to heel. If he had brains, and a dacent wife, and a bigger field oh, man," said Johnny, visioning the possibility, "Auld Gourla could conquer the world, if he swalled his neck till't." "It would be a big conquest that!" said the Deacon. "Here comes his son, taking his ain share o' the earth, at ony rate."

"I daur him till't!" cried her mother, in the impotence and self despite of a mortifying blunder; "I'll raise the toon upon 'im." "What wad that du, mither?" returned Lizzy, in distress about her friends. "It wad but mak' ill waur." "An' wha are ye to oppen yer mou' sae wide to yer mither?" burst forth Meg Partan, glad of an object upon which the chagrin that consumed her might issue in flame.