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"Oh, you just puts it in 'ot water; but there, I can't 'ave it. Good night, Bill, and thank you for the blanket." Bill, without a word, tired as he was, left the tent, and half an hour afterwards returned with the medicine. "Gawd, Bill," said the sick man, "but you ain't a " "Not so much chin music. There, tike it, and go to sleep."

It was an added proof that there was no redeeming drop of the sang azure in the Gordon veins and Major Caspar was as scrupulously polite to Caleb Gordon's wife as he would have been, and was, to the helpmate of Tike Bryerson, mountaineer and distiller of illicit whisky. Thomas Jefferson was vaguely indignant when Pettigrass came to ask his father to go forthwith to the manor-house.

'Wot for, then? 'Why, 'Arry's going ter tike me ter Chingford ter-morrer. 'Oh? In the "Red Lion" brake? 'Yus. Are you goin'? 'Na! 'Not! Well, why don't you get round Tom? 'E'll tike yer, and jolly glad 'e'll be, too. ''E arst me ter go with 'im, but I wouldn't. 'Swop me bob why not? 'I ain't keeping company with 'im. 'Yer might 'ave gone with 'im all the sime. 'Na.

"Overchancy," he repeated. "Everything overchancy," said Sharon Whipple after another silence, waving his cigar largely at life. "She's a self-headed little tike," he added a moment later. "Self-headed!" Harvey D. here made loose-wristed gestures meaning despair, after which he detected and put in its proper place a burned match beside Sharon's chair.

Look at yer father, children; e's a father to be proud of, leavin' yer ter starve an' spendin' 'is week's money on a dirty little strumper. Jim felt easier now he had not got so many strange eyes on him. 'Now, look 'ere, he said, 'I'm not goin' ter stand this much longer, so just you tike care. 'I ain't frightened of yer. I know yer'd like ter kill me, but yer'll get strung up if you do.

Some one bought a box of sardines in the next tent. "Goin' ter share 'em round?" said a hungry voice. "Nah blooming fear I ain't wot yer tike me for eh?" Every one was starving. I had managed to fish a lump of bone with a scrag of tough meat on it from the lukewarm slosh in our "dixie." But some one who was very hungry and very big came along and snatched it away before I could get my teeth in it.

"I say, Dev," was his first contribution to the conversation, "d' you remember it was at a dock that you and I first met? It was night, blacker than Tophet, and raining, and you came ashore wet as a rag. You were the lonesomest, chilliest, most forlorn little tike I ever saw; but, by the eternal, you were trying not to cry!" "Lonesome? I rather think so!" I echoed with conviction.

The last sound he heard was Jimmie Junior's voice, shouting: "You be good now! You shut up!" Jimmie went off, thinking about this little tike; he was five years old, and growing so that you could notice the difference overnight. He had big black eyes like his mother, and a grin full of all the mischief in the world. The things he knew and the questions he asked!

He lay an' he tummled; the gude, caller bed that he got into brunt his very banes; whiles he slept, and whiles he waukened; whiles he heard the time o' nicht, and whiles a tike yowlin' up the muir, as if somebody was deid; whiles he thocht he heard bogles claverin' in his lug, an' whiles he saw spunkies in the room.

The finest, straightest old chap who ever took a forlorn little tike in out of the wet, and petted him, and frolicked with him, and filled his stocking all the year round, and made his holidays things of rapture, and taught him how to ride and shoot and fish and swim and cut his losses and do pretty much everything that makes life worth living that was Dunny.