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Updated: August 2, 2024

It was the bluntness of the senses themselves that operated tike an armour between her mind and the vile things around her. It was the rough, dull covering of the chrysalis, framed to bear rude contact and biting weather, that the butterfly might break forth, winged and glorious, in due season.

A less ingenuous character would be silent about such passages I should be too egotistical and humiliated altogether but that is not his quality. He tells us in tones of naïve wonder. He talks about it and talks about it. 'I don't care what the old woman did, he says, 'not reely. What 'urts me about it is that I jest made a sort of mistake 'ow she'd tike it.

A bit of a boy, same as 'Betty' 'ere, 'e comes up and says, 'What'll ye take fer the whole bloomin' caravan? he says, 'for ter send ter a lidy? 'Gentleman, I says, 'I'm only a poor girl and a widered muver ter keep, and, gentleman, I can't tike less than two pound fer 'em sure and certain as there's a God in 'eaven, I can't. 'Well, says he, 'it's a blarsted swindle but I'll take 'em and mind you deliver 'em ter the lidy yerself. 'They shall go this very minute, says I, 'and, oh, sir, God bless you both and may yer have long life and 'appiness ter-gether. Strike me dead, wot d'yer think he said next?

Diantha held her mother in her arms the night she came, and cried tike a baby. "O mother dear!" she sobbed, "I'd no idea I should miss you so much. O you blessed comfort!" Her mother cried a bit too; she enjoyed this daughter more than either of her older children, and missed her more.

Will he go to Maynooth?" "Will you go to your dinner to-day, or to your bed to-night?" "God be praised! Well, Docthor, wait till we see him off, then I'll be spakin' to you!" "No," said the priest; "but wait till you tike a toss upon this sofa, and then you will get a taste of ecclesiastical luxury." "Ay," said Denis, "but would it be right o' me to sit in it? Maybe it's consecrated."

P. Sybarite interrogated with his eyes alone. "It was a bit odd, come to think of it the 'ole affair, sir. Must 'ave been over an hour ago, Mr. Shaynon 'ere, 'e come 'ome alone from the dance I see you must've been there yourself, sir, if I m'y mike so bold as to tike notice of your costume. Very fawncy it is, too, sir becomes your style 'andsome, it does, sir." "Never mind me.

I'm not goin' to the ply with you. Wot d'yer tike me for, eh? ''Oo are yer goin' with, then? 'I'm goin' alone. 'Garn! don't be a bloomin' jackass! Liza was feeling very injured. 'Thet's 'ow you treat me! I shall go 'ome. Why didn't you come aht the other night? 'Yer told me not ter. She snorted at the ridiculous ineptitude of the reply. 'Why didn't you say nothin' abaht it yesterday?

"'E's no good, 'e's done." Thirteen's eyes narrowed. "How so?" "'E's done, Number One is finished, counted out, napoo! 'E's 'ad 'is d'y, and a pretty mess 'e's mide of it and it's 'igh time, I say, for 'im to step down and let a better man tike 'old."

I would tike to know whether the population of the United States has been quite free of these aberrations, as it would be an additional argument in behalf of republican institutions and superior civilization resulting from them. Most truly and affectionately, Your friend, LAFAYETTE As we see from the beginning of this letter, Morse had now determined to return home.

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